Here's a useful one
Ever hate waking up at 2pm only to find out a bunch of shit happened while you were sleeping? Well that sucks BUT I HAVE A SOLUTION!!
so you're gonna want to pull an all nighter, then go to bed at 6:30 to 8:00 pm depending on when you want to wake up. You may have to sleep early for a bit to keep it consistent.
What you DON'T want to do is go to bed before 6. If you go to bed before 6, you will wake up in the middle of the night and this will further ruin your sleep schedule.
Well, I hope y'all enjoy this information!
Ps: it is highly recommended you DO NOT USE ENERGY DRINKS OR COFFEE, you will still be tired, but you won't be able to sleep
You're welcome
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Simon Henriksson
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no freaking way, simon henriksson???
by AshToAshes; ; Report