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Category: Life

[Journaling](Day 25) It's already too late

Wow, Tuesday! So cool!

That was sarcasm.

Slept until 1000. Wanted to sleep more, but couldn't manage. Fuck.

So I got up and lollygagged around for the better part of the morning. Prolly tweeted a couple stupid things.

Left the house at 12:30 in the end, after eating a bowl of cereal.
During the bus ride, my mother sent me a text asking if I wanted to go to Hellfest this year.
It got me distracted and I almost went down at the wrong stop. Didn't, though.
I tried to get a ticket. But they went out too fast.

I arrived in English classes. The teacher is STILL a dick.

These few hours were painfully annoying.

I hate that guy so much.

I got out with one wish and one wish only, go back home. I was infuriated, but I kept it together. Somehow.

Got some milk and bread on the way home. New cashier at the grocery store. Huh. Okay.

He looked at me weird. I didn't like his smile.

I got back home, and I waited for the building caretaker to come to take a gander at the flat, she says she wants to visit the flat to make sure everything was okay.

So I waited. And waited. She never came.

So I played some TF2, fought with SAN notations, and whatnot. I finally got over this beast of a function that is around 130 lines long and could be condensed to a few at most if I had permission to use Regex.
Fucking hell.

I started watching Dark again. An amazing series. In german. Dope.

I didn't cut today. It was hard, but I managed. There were no particular reasons to do so. Tomorrow I have more reasons and opportunities to fuck up, so no guarantees.

I saw myself when I got out of the shower, back then. My mirror covers are down.

What I saw repulsed me. I hate everything about whatever I see in the mirror.

If only I had someone I could feel open enough to talk to them about it.

If only I could be open enough to myself.

Haken put out a new single. Lovebite. Fair enough, for a Saint Valentine. A lonely one. I don't need a lover. I just need a hug, sometimes.

Anyways, I need sleep.

This day brought me anger and sadness in manageable quantities.

Tomorrow will be a bitch.

It is tired as always, that I end this post.

Good night, lone reader. May your night be calm.

As if you couldn't be more reckless
I see you've eaten somebody else
Won't let my jealousy affect us
Is too much not enough for you? - Lovebite, Haken

Laporte, signing off. Cheerio.

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