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Category: Life

[Journaling](Day 21) You're in ruins

Forgot about this one again.

This day was, by all accounts, inconsequential.

Got to class at 13 since we started late. 3 hours of math actually went by kinda fast, crazy how interesting classes can be when you're well rested. Vector Spaces are way cooler in your mind than on paper though. Oh well.
I did feel bad for not paying attention all the way through, though. But Friday evenings are bad. Real bad.

Went to school and back on the bike, for once. I could allow myself to, it was sunny and warm enough to do so.
Been a while, so my legs kinda hurt.

As soon as it ended, jumped back on the bike. Got to the bar I went to last Sunday, and I got back the screwdriver I lost. Hurray!

Then I went and got some groceries, bread, butter, and whatnot.

Butter I managed to lose on the way. Fuck me.

I played some TF2 and finally got around to finishing some contracts. Speaking of, we finally have the news that there will be an update and I can hardly contain my hype.

Ate a fucking grisly meal. These rice packs were oversold to me. Bleh.

This was such a boring day. I literally have nothing to say.

Also, fuck that new Linking Park song. I mean, it's Linkin Park so I don't expect much, but an AI-generated clip when you have so many artists that could've dreamt of working with you? Fuck off.

Also got some problems.
Something these kids call a gender or whatnot. I don't follow up with the slang. More on that somewhen else.

Ah, fuck I need sleep.

This day brought me fuck all. What the fuck was it even. I mean I guess I got my screwdriver back. This one was one of the most insignificant days ever.

I'll end this post tired and too fed.

Good night, lone reader. Have a nice weekend.

Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last
You're in ruins - 21 Guns, Green Day

Laporte, signing off. Catch you next time.

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