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intro !!1!!

Category: Blogging

this is quite an overdue intro but i've been getting new people on my account so heloo new frens!! about me my name is Acer! i'm 15 years old  i write poetry he/she/they ^^ questioning genderfluid i'm a witch alterhuman (therian and vampirekin) i'm emo and luv any alternative music! ~ » Continue Reading

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hey spacehey its been a while

Category: Blogging

the last blog post called "theres this guy..." i hav been with him for 8 months now i love him so much he is my world I LOVE YOU BBY and my mental health is horrible omg. uhhhh idk what to say no updates life is just weird  » Continue Reading

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The Clock Waits Patiently On Your Song (the stars call)

Category: Writing and Poetry

My body is starting to shed its qualities that make me human. My hair, my skin, my nails, my soul. Maybe it's noticeable, but I'm slowly becoming less of a person, » Continue Reading

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hang out today with frends was fun

Category: Blogging

my friend i'll call M was her birthday yesterday and we hung out today cuz she was busy yesterday, i was originally not gonna go but i ended up meeting M, Adam and two girls i'll call B and E at a thrift store. we looked at things then walked to the cinemas and bought tickets to see Saw X fo » Continue Reading

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our love is nostalgic {poem}

Category: Writing and Poetry

i made a list of things that remind me of you » Continue Reading

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blue supermoon and witchcraft

Category: Blogging

tonight was my first time working with the blue moon. i do take advantage of the lunar energy alot, new moons and full moons are great times for manifestation and releasing. but the blue moon is rare, because its a blue SUPERmoon. i first put out some water to make moon water. then i moon bathed while meditating, then wrote in my book of shadows my mantra to repeat to honor the moon, i also wrote ... » Continue Reading

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"ur opinions are different from mine therefore you are mentally ill"

Category: Blogging

is usually what i hear people say all the time on this site and just on the internet in general. its a case of people wanting to be the stable person with stable beliefs and if u don't agree then there must be something wrong in your head. this goes for all beliefs, even things i don't agree on. sadly, its hard to change peoples minds on things so its best to not even bother arguing with them. but... » Continue Reading

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my life rn

Category: Life

life is.... like weird and uncontrollable. sometimes i just cry hard and want to die and other times i want others to die. i feel so,,split? i guess. my emotions are either high highs or very low lows and they change so often, every few months. it sucks. nothing is going well. but also nothing is going terribly wrong? i feel like a monster, my actions towards people seem aggressive and i just wish... » Continue Reading

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— 4 Kudos

Goodbye Written In Kisses

Category: Writing and Poetry

i wanna kiss you away like the end of a big romantic film where the main characters one true love is moving far away and they may never see eachother again. well it may not be like that for us but i want a dramatic ending to think back to in the haze of our short lived laughter together. four years and only now can i share a part of my life with the person i'd only admire from a distance, who's li... » Continue Reading

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plateau broken (TW ED)

Category: Blogging

i need an online space to vent about my ed cuz i was banned on twitter lol anyways i recently fixed my weight plateau cuz i was stuck on a certain number and it was killing me, all it took was taking my meds (that i don't take much so i still experience side effects) and it killed my appetite for 2 days and i've been eating less recently. its quite a thrill finally seeing the number on my scale go... » Continue Reading

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1 Comment— 14 Kudos

trolls have invaded spacehey wtf

Category: Blogging

there's so many bait posts on this site now and the worse part is people are falling for them and getting the posts to the top of the blogs page. its just kinda pathetic, i mean y'all don't get paid to say "controversial" things on here yet you still do just for what? a few angry replies? get a life. examples are right wing conservative idiots who bitch about the LGBTQ+ community being bad and tra... » Continue Reading

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guess who has hickeys on their neck ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (J name <3)

Category: Blogging

my crush/guy who also reciprocates those feelings (we aren't dating but yeah also i call him "J name") came over and their were six of us all in the yard drinking and it was SO FUN! when we got more drunk i guess we just started being all over eachother (I'M BLUSHINGGG) and making out alot and omg it was bliss. i feel so bad tho for my bestie who came into town to see me cuz she was gonna sleepove... » Continue Reading

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