Hello, y'all! I had another blog post planned, one that was "crazy". But, this one keeps on bugging my noggin'! So, let me blog about it and let it all out! Well...to an extent! As time passes by, I realize I have a lot of set beliefs and mindsets that will forever be a part of me. Well, duh. It's my choice to change the way I think about those things. There are some that I have changed as I've go... » Continue Reading
This post will be about the wonderful guy in my life…my boyfriend. I was hesitant to write this post for a couple of reasons, but who cares. Life happens and why wouldn’t I wanna share stories about him? His name is a normal one. Literally…first, middle, and last…all very basic. Okay, not as basic as John Smith, but close enough. He’s 12 years older than me. Look at him, robbing the cradle over he... » Continue Reading
The thought of this blog post came to me while watching a TikTok of some nurse making a new mom, a mommy mocktail. She poured the Sprite in the hospital jug along with Apple Juice and Orange Juice. (Which honestly reminds me of this Breakfast Juice nonsense that was being served at a cafe/bar I went to recently.) Anyways… I was at that hospital with my parents, many moons ago. My dad was always in... » Continue Reading
Hello, y’all! Alright…we have finally reached the most recent house that I have lived in, 9 houses later. This is the 2nd mobile home that I lived…and the tackiest one too, haha. It’s khaki and blue…Cowboys blue. This house was my aunt’s house but she moved out of it a few years back, but kept it and rented it out to her ex-husband, Mike, and some roommates. During everything and such, after I mov... » Continue Reading
Hello, y’all! New place, new group! It's the year 2021 and I'm living in an apartment...who woulda thunk! I certainly did not imagine this. Okay, let's set the scene up! This place is on the 3rd floor of the building, the top floor. The view from each room was the great parking lot that was filled with bad activity from the neighbors surrounding us. We're the middle door of the floor, I think. You... » Continue Reading
Hello, y'all! So, this house is a special one. This is the last house I ever lived in with my family before they passed. It saddens me that I don't live there anymore and how it seems we didn't spend a lot of time there. But, the few years we did live there will be told in this blog post. Sit back and enjoy these memories! This house was the 2nd mobile home I lived in. It was a pretty good size fo... » Continue Reading
Hello, y’all! Woah, another home already! This time we’re moving into my first ever mobile home. It comes equipped with 3 bedrooms for me, my parents, and my grandma. You walk in and it’s pretty open. To the right is the living room and the door farthest to the right is my grandma’s room. This time she has the master bedroom! Back to the front door again, to the left was an open space…meant for a ... » Continue Reading
Hello, y’all! We’re almost finished with the houses I’ve lived in throughout my life…it’s crazy, how time flies. So, this house was pretty cool. It was a two story yellow house with 4 bedrooms, one of our most spacious homes we’ve had. We used the back door as our front door, since it led to the end of our long driveway. So, going from the back you enter and you’re in the kitchen » Continue Reading
Hello, y'all! Starting a new life in a new home. Now, we're in the city of Leander. At this time, the city is still growing but still very new. Back in the day, we called it the country. It was a city basically in the middle of nowhere. I remember fields upon fields and some dirt roads. When we moved they had an HEB with a new strip next to it or something. Near our neighborhood, we had a CVS and ... » Continue Reading
Hello, y’all! Living in Round Rock was one of the best places we lived in! One thing is our group has grown. While at Stillwood, Chip and Levi were born. Meaning…they’re apart of my life now! The Round Rock house was a 3 bedroom, two story duplex in a circle on Leslie Court. It was me, my parents, Pudge, Chip, Levi, Bill, and Johnny (Bill’s husband, at the time). The layout of this place was small... » Continue Reading
Hello, y'all! We're now in the Stillwood house, the one behind the Dairy Queen, we always said. The same gang: me, my parents, my grandma, and Pudge. You walk in and you're in the living room. To the left through a walkway is the "computer room" attached to the dining room w/ the door to the backyard. Pretty much a big circle, to the right through another walkway was the kitchen. To the left you h... » Continue Reading
Hello, y'all! After Putnam, we moved to a townhome off Rundberg Ln. My memories of this place are very limited. I'm not sure it's because we lived there for only a short period of time. Or did I block these memories? Huh, I'll never know I guess. One thing for sure I'll always remember is our number, 10 C. To get into our gated community, we had a clicker. Which I thought was the coolest thing eve... » Continue Reading