I've been working for an online psychic hotline for a while now, and they've recently added new policies. The messenger feature is now an extra for phone readers, considered a treat only, and you can't log into it without also logging in to take calls. This is to cut down on call avoidance. The supervisor thinks people who use the messenger are lazy because it's not real work since you're less lik... » Continue Reading
I had so much fun this past couple of weeks, several weeks ago i joied community theatre and it was time to perform the weird old fashioned lighthearted comedy, and it was amazing to blow off some steam with some like minded people, when i was young, i wanted to be an actr, but like, not a serious actor, just a ,id tier, min, wage actor or do a few extra gigs, i think they call them su[pporting ar... » Continue Reading
so i started reading for a tarot startup app just under 2 weeks ago, quotas are insane. 30 questions a day, absolute min. you never see anyone talk about working there because readers who do are threatened with court action and they have in contract that they can confiscate your earnings. No days off under any circumstances and now there is a min of 100mins of talktime a week with customers. you... » Continue Reading
my friend doesnt want me to lose weight because he said that the fat friend is safe, and that when people treat me better for being prettier, i wouldnt want to go out and eat junk food with him anymore. I cant help but feel a little bit betrayed. Thought? » Continue Reading
I was completely overwhlmed today on the basis that i had my taxes to send off asap before i do anything else, so that if anything fucks up... i have time to fix this shit... it took me all afternoon just to file for a sad little 10k, due to illnes and stuff stopping me from wor » Continue Reading
honestly, went to see the immunologist the other day and it wasnt the best appointment ive ever had... turns out that my bloods are back where they started back when i was diagnosed with common variable immunodeficiency really... the long and short of it, was that when i started to feel icky with fatigue and muscle pains, my gp prescribed me a 2nd gen antipsychotic, which made me gain 25 kg in ar... » Continue Reading
First blog post since having this platform for like 2 years and largely because I couldn't stand being on Facebook when it became twnse and awkward after losing a couple of friends and having to quit my job which looked all glitzy and glamorous but honestly wasn't. I was being paid 200GBP a month for fulltime work that was adhoc and needed to be done aa I dropped everything else to do cold emails... » Continue Reading