job scam?

so i started reading for a tarot startup app just under 2 weeks ago, quotas are insane. 
30 questions a day, absolute min. you never see anyone talk about working there because readers who do are threatened with court action and they have in contract that they can confiscate your earnings. 
No days off under any circumstances and now there is a min of 100mins of talktime a week with customers. you have to be a salesperson and inbox people to pester them for readings to encourage them to spend money and your wages are paid 3 weeks in arrears and also monthly, to further incentivise you. this is scammer rhetoric. 
Do XYZ and you might not get vaguely threatening emails and may actually get paid. 

I genuinely wonder if there is any incentive to staying or if i should let them take the money i earned on there for the simple fact that every day i try, they will take even more. 

I have a decade of experience, chasing my tail, and feel huge imposter syndrome about the fact that i even do it, should i give up and stop reading tarot anyway altogether? 
this app is making me feel like absolute shit. 

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Gooper's profile picture

Yeaaa,,,, I think you should drop that job ASAP, but if Tarot reading is something you are dedicated to work in then I think you should continue that,, Job sounds like its taking crazzzyyyy advantage of you and trying to make it seem like its the only job you can take in Tarot but theres more out trust

Also idk about ur life and dont wanna make any assumptions butt dont bar urself from learning a new career skill,, you definitely have the capacity to learn

Okay I wish you luckkkk

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thiiiiis.... i have of course intellect etc, buti have been reading tarot for over a decade and when the oandemic hit i started to take money for it, and its been a recent thing in the last few months where i started to mainly focus on this jobwise since i got ill with covid LONGHAULER WOOT WOOT!

i really love tarot, and have been passionate about it since i was a teen but theres something werid to me about this app demanding 30 questions answered per day, every day without fail, and the clockwork nature of it makes me feel like i wrk in a call centre for min wage.
obviously this app is also advertising a lot on scial media, and in seriousness i have seen a comment or 2 saying that there was trainign of AI to get it to read tarot and record the way readers speak to clients... their advisor app has 3 reviews accusing them flat out of scamming readers by moving quotas about and setting them up to fail... not to mention the fact that your wages are paid 3 weeks in arrears... the hoops you havr to jumo through feels a but scammy to me, and its a iykyk siuation since the contract says that they can confiscater your earnings for misdemeanours, and that they can fire you for not hitting quotas without any notice since youre a contractee... it sounds scammy... almost pay you but then get to the last few days and then kick you off and take your money???

im hoping people are catastrophising and exaggerrating tat things are worse than they are, butif so many readers dont make the cut due to steep quotas i can see why there arent too many on the platform... i know there are other sites out there, but still.... to lose a months paycheck for hard work would severely upset me.

by The Village Witch; ; Report

thiiiiis.... i have of course intellect etc, buti have been reading tarot for over a decade and when the oandemic hit i started to take money for it, and its been a recent thing in the last few months where i started to mainly focus on this jobwise since i got ill with covid LONGHAULER WOOT WOOT!

i really love tarot, and have been passionate about it since i was a teen but theres something werid to me about this app demanding 30 questions answered per day, every day without fail, and the clockwork nature of it makes me feel like i wrk in a call centre for min wage.
obviously this app is also advertising a lot on scial media, and in seriousness i have seen a comment or 2 saying that there was trainign of AI to get it to read tarot and record the way readers speak to clients... their advisor app has 3 reviews accusing them flat out of scamming readers by moving quotas about and setting them up to fail... not to mention the fact that your wages are paid 3 weeks in arrears... the hoops you havr to jumo through feels a but scammy to me, and its a iykyk siuation since the contract says that they can confiscater your earnings for misdemeanours, and that they can fire you for not hitting quotas without any notice since youre a contractee... it sounds scammy... almost pay you but then get to the last few days and then kick you off and take your money???

im hoping people are catastrophising and exaggerrating tat things are worse than they are, butif so many readers dont make the cut due to steep quotas i can see why there arent too many on the platform... i know there are other sites out there, but still.... to lose a months paycheck for hard work would severely upset me.

by The Village Witch; ; Report