Category: Blogging
i deactivated most of my social media accounts for a while breaking the addiction of electronics as im writing this on a laptop » Continue Reading
300 years old, Latveria
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Category: Blogging
i deactivated most of my social media accounts for a while breaking the addiction of electronics as im writing this on a laptop » Continue Reading
Category: Music
“In Fly or Die Shae says “This is only for the kids” on Fly or Die and it’s like yeah duh y’all talking about teenage rebellion/skaters like y’all wasn’t in y’all 30’s dude” - some rando i kno » Continue Reading
Category: Books and Stories
I have found the red pill. First go to your mattress Then find the tag that says do not remove and rip that muthafucka off then get one of those packages of powder that says do not comsume/eat . Roll the tag and Empty the Powder onto a Flat Surface and snort it BOOM YOUR IN » Continue Reading
Category: Games
I like chess. Chess makes me think and be aware of everything and the effects of the move I make. Chess is like a sword fight you have to think before you move. » Continue Reading
— 3 Kudos
Category: Books and Stories
The Little Prince DUNE Hope for the Flowers The Alchemist Sho-Gun » Continue Reading
Category: Religion and Philosophy
“Not choosing is a choice“ The only decision that will ever matter is deciding whether or not you will focus on what matters most. No matter how tough it gets at times, you always have a choice. This absence of god opens up the possibilities and choices for man. » Continue Reading
Category: Religion and Philosophy
Sartre has some great works and thoughts on absurd ism but the people he chose to support and how he kinda was fine with the torture of people in the name of principles.In the mid stages of his life Sartre was supporting a broken system of communism (USSR). How he idolized people like Che Guevara and Stalin . He is one of my favorite philosophers along with one of his old friends Camus I think... » Continue Reading