Urgh, I’m just bored at PE :3 Teacher lost his keys and papers for a while so now we’re in the hallzzz. Okay I got dressed and am now walking to get my bike. =.= Gotta get home in time for art school! We have a new teacher and new projects to work on, color theory and stuff. I did not get to see my boyfriend but I’ll stop by on my way home. I have no idea where my bike key is… yeey! Managed to g... » Continue Reading
At theatre right now and usually I’m so excited but now we’re just reading lines and istg I just had a whole conversation with myself because I took two roles. Not everyone is here. Luckily my best friends and niece are here. I love my role tho! Masja, depressed daughter who married her teacher because she had enough of her crush trying to off himself..! Also the ending?! GODDAMN » Continue Reading