There is NO REASON why an ad needs to take so much of my time. I can understand if you need more than 5 or 10 seconds to properly explain your product, but TWO WHOLE MINUTES?!?!? I understand if it's for medical stuff, but NOT for fucking Snapchat or Pinterest. If you need more that 15 seconds to explain your app or product, then maybe you need to re-evaluate some things. We don't need to know the... » Continue Reading
Seriously, It's SO GOOD!!!! It feels like most of the episodes are just to mess with people at 4 AM (when it was originally being aired) but some of them have REALLY good messages! Like Unedited Footage of a Bear, Too Many Cooks, and This House Has People In It are probably the most popular examples, but they're popular for a reason!!! The actors are all super good as well!! It adds to the unner... » Continue Reading
I have been working on my page from scratch, and it sucks not knowing wtf im doing. I'm usually a "figure it out on my own" guy, but that can only get me so afr before I bash my head into my keyboard. However, I found a free website that teaches several different programming languages and softwares, including HTML! Check it out here!! this is not sponsored I just love sharing fr » Continue Reading
God, I'm currently in Math 4 and it is TOO EASY!!! My teacher is currently out sick, so we've been doing simple worksheets. This stuff is TRIVIAL!! We have to write in interval notation all the intervals that are negative, positive, or zero for given graphs. There are 4 graphs. How is this taking everyone so long to do. Still, I'm glad it's a sub today so I can be on my computer!!!!! Gonna try spi... » Continue Reading
Finally got my page to a spot where I don't hate it!! :D Will definitely want to add stuff in the future, but also I'm happy with what I have rn also stamp hoarding!! Yay!!!! » Continue Reading
UGHHHHHHH spent so long trying to get a new layout to work but ended up giving up and reverting to the original Whatever Gonna play Fortnite » Continue Reading
Ughhh.......... I feel like a newgen dinosaur trying to figure this out, basic HTML knowledge is helping but not that much Editing public layouts to try and get it to a point that I like but the text is still BLACK and is HARD TO READ!!!! Please help also yes I am autistic » Continue Reading