Advertisements 30 seconts or longer need to DIEEE

There is NO REASON why an ad needs to take so much of my time. I can understand if you need more than 5 or 10 seconds to properly explain your product, but TWO WHOLE MINUTES?!?!?

I understand if it's for medical stuff, but NOT for fucking Snapchat or Pinterest. If you need more that 15 seconds to explain your app or product, then maybe you need to re-evaluate some things. We don't need to know the "science" of putting rice in a bag to make sure it stays warm after you microwave it!!! We don't need to see 50 million people having fun with your product, just one will suffice!!

Always use an ad-blocker, and even if you can't get one, find a service that doesn't have ads connected to it.

I recommend UBlock Origin for an ad blocking plugin, and Invidious for Youtube.

Don't become a product for the corporate machine.

2 Kudos


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