Angel numbers by some people can be accidental and to some not so much, they are basically repeated numbers that appear within a day or less rarely. Each number has its own meaning that were given to them. Angel numbers are seen as superstition, basically something useless. It is like a saying where people using their horoscope in daily life. However to some people its seen as hope or even the re... » Continue Reading
Like straight up rape I hate this topic, but i wanna talk about it. Sexual abuse is the use of coercion, force, or unequal positions to make you engage in any form of unwanted sexual activity. So I found some "examples" and I'll just give my opinion. » Continue Reading
Why do (for example) black people use slurs and expect that people won't start to use them aswell. Lets go like this, I didn't hear about n word till i was 14 last year of 8th grade when some black kid started SCREAMING it at everyone. He got mad i think because someone took his pencil (idk don't remember correctly). Like if people continue using the word it will be used obviously. AND NOT TO MEN... » Continue Reading
Alright, but why is it necessary that only people with autism get to use hyper fixations and/or special interest as word for their hobby?? And then complain they don't get anything so they can have that word at least? Like if you're diagnosed with autism you do get stuff you do get somewhat privileges that replace or help you in let's saying school. » Continue Reading
Alright popular opinion actually, if you plan to comment at least state actual reason or I'll just delete it So like, I don't think age matters in this situation, but why myself as a minor can understand s » Continue Reading