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Alright,  but why is it necessary that only people with autism get to use hyper fixations and/or special interest as word for their hobby?? And then complain they don't get anything so they can have that word at least?

Like if you're diagnosed with autism you do get stuff you do get somewhat privileges that replace or help you in let's saying school.

If you submitted papers with diagnosis of it your school is by law forced to give you at least slightly different program then rest of the kids. 

Same goes for adhd, if you're writing a test, you are allowed to ask for little extra time. (This is just like example)

So obviously people who are autistic do get stuff others don't just to help them, so using "we don't get anything" as comeback is ridiculous. 

Hyperfixation is absorption in a task or activity, often related to someone's interests or passions. Typically, when someone is experiencing hyperfixation, they lose track of time and might tune out the world around them. 

Special interest is something you can spend hours on without thinking. It's something you naturally learn a lot about/do a lot.

Both meaning are shown you lose lots of time on something you enjoy doing. Hyperfixation on one hand is a thing person thinks about 99% of time and can hardly move focus from it. Which if you didn't know the person is autistic, you would think the person has unhealthy *obsession*. 

Special interests on other hand is something you don't think about always and only when you start thinking you get carried away and probably for days is the only thing you want to think about, you stop thinking about rest of the world and focus only on that one thing yiu care about. 

So my opinion is that I don't understand why the words would be strictly for autistic people when people who aren't autistic can also have this honestly problems.

Anyway, you can write your opinion. Don't have to attack me for mine, if you think otherwise then write it and try and explain and reason yourself.

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Sandercuack's profile picture

Tienes razón!, hace un rato ví a varios autistas corrigiendo a una persona y diciéndole que no podía usar la palabra "hiperfijacion" porque no es neuro divergente..

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Literally??? Like hobbie can't describe someone's hyper fixations because it's not nearly same or similar. I don't understand why it NEEDS to be only for autistic people

by Rosa.pusa; ; Report


pierce👎👎👎👎👎👎👎's profile picture

huh ?? i have autism and the words special interest and hyperfixtations can be used by people who arent autistic ?? its not just for people with autism ??

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Oh right I'm not targeting anyone who is autistic :") just to get that clear.
I just had so many people forbid others who are not under spectrum use those words to discribe their likings. Calling them obsessed and so on

by Rosa.pusa; ; Report