A meta-discussion on the Skeletal framework of Jyotish In this chessboard of Life, You have 12 distinct houses, 9 players, additional mathematical points, And the sign behind the houses. For instance, zodiac #7 Will be house 1 for Libra asce » Continue Reading
Like a chessboard in the Sky, the grahas orbit us, as we look up from Earth. Is it so far-fetched to ponder that they have obvious effects on Life on Earth? As we know, for sure, that the Sun causes photosynthesis. The World's a stage, as we go from one act to another, one scene to another. From the living room to the d » Continue Reading
In the strategy game, akin to a chessboard, playing up in the Sky: The Grabbers or Graspers or Grahas, also known colloquially as the planets, are the nearest large bodied-neighbours of Earth. They're the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Serpent's Head and Tail: the Navagraha. Is it so far-fetched to consider, » Continue Reading
The Vedas, Deal with the most pertinent question of Humanity. Such as, the ethereal currents within Life systems, personified as Deities. There are 4 Vedas, the Bhagawat Gita, is the 5th (c. ~3000BC). For the study of Jyotish, » Continue Reading
Us adepts, chelas, students, must first realize what the subject is, that we’re studying. In awe, we realize, that this is a subject of » Continue Reading