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Category: Religion and Philosophy

The Acts/Scenes in daily life: Houses or Bhab(s).

Like a chessboard in the Sky,
the grahas orbit us,
as we look up from Earth.

Is it so far-fetched to 
ponder that they have obvious effects on
Life on Earth? As we know, for sure,
that the Sun causes photosynthesis.

The World's a stage, as we go from
one act to another,
one scene to another.
From the living room to the dining room,
from this room, to outside the house.
Each rooms have themes,
with the toilet having the 8th house theme,
and the kitchen, 180° opposite to it,
with 2nd house themes.

The 'houses' are called Bhavs.
Bhav also means: feels.
The themes are deciphered as,
archetypal understandings

The 1st house is diamettrically opposite,
or 180° from the 7th.
The 1st is is Me, i.e., You, 
the 7th, the laptop in front of you, the outside world.
When we're facing one another, we're in the
7th house to each other.

The grahas are the 9 grahas,
The rashis/Zodiac are: aries, taurus, ... pisces,
the houses or bhavas are the 1st, 2nd, ... 12th houses.

These are the main players in this 
strategy game, playing up,
up in the Sky.

If someone has aries (1st) rising/lagna,
their rashis in each houses, are the same as
the natural Zodiac signs.
If taurus (2nd) Rising, their second house is
zodiac #3 or gemini.

There's entire literature/rachana for the reason why, 
mercury-ruled gemini and virgo correspond to the 2nd and 5th house of Taurus.
There's also entire reasoning for why, taurus is the way it is.
The Jyotish syllabus is enormous.
For why invest the time and effort,
Read Article AB.

If we take a walk in our neighhood, 
we're in the 3rd house.
When we don't leave the house,
we're in the 4th house.
If your work involves staying home,
your 10th is connected to the 4th.

Therefore, without even looking at one's
birth chart, which shows fixed karma,
to a really-permanent extent; just by their words,
you find out some of their combinations.
This is often verified, when you look at their chart.

So, the 'houses' in Jyotish,
are called Bhavas. Bhav/b means
Emotions or feels. Being in
a different city (9th bhav= long distance),
we are aware that we're far from home.
Some tantric manuals mentions,
do so-and-so ritual in a desolate area,
or invoke the feeling (perhaps by visalizing),
of being in the graveyard (to activate the 8th house).

The bhavs are non-living,
they're the aspects of conscience,
 akin to rooms, places, but not things.
Living things are denoted by the grahas,
the non-living objects are denoted by the rashi.

Such as, if you have 6th (Parth/Kanya/Virgo)
as the ascendant, i.e., the Eastern horizon,
or the 1st house.
The 2nd house has the 7th rashi/Zodiac,
which is libra,
the 3rd, has the 8th zodiac or Vrischik/Scorpio,
... and so on.
One might have Jupiter ♃ in the 3rd house.
(if born within the 365 days period of
when Jove ♃ was in scorpio, such as 1995),
Everyone born in that year would have,
jupiter within the 30° of scorpio.

Ask this person:

there's scorpio-like objects/themes, in your neighbourhood,
such as an office for taxation,
and funeral homes, and that you have,
people working in higher education (♃),
such as professors and researchers,
and bankers and people with a propensity
of the fat tissue, in your neighbourhood.

Loosely, that's how this works.

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