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Category: Religion and Philosophy

Basics of the holographic blueprint

Basics of the holographic blueprint


In Jyotish, the framework of the Solar system forms a somewhat unit of life.


The Sun the nucleus,

The nuclear fission and fusion of atoms in the Sun,

Is just burning and seems to be as, “Take.. just take all this energy” as it keep burning,

not much of diversity except for hydrogen and helium, the simplest atoms.


Mercury, whirrs close to the Sun, just as the Mental world has

thought-forms and structures and concepts.

The planet Mercury has a lot of Nickle, Iron,

 High in metallic content and minerals/compounds like Al, Ca, Mg.


Venus has a lot of dense Sulpher clouds, Volcanic basaltic rock,

Other elements rich on Venus are oxygen, magnesium, and especially rich in

Sulphuric compounds like sulfuric acid, SO2.

Unlike the metallic surface of mercury, the soil of Venus has

Rocks and mineral deposits, mountains, volcanoes, lava, is

extremely hostile environmental conditions, acidic atmosphere,

Erosion, vapour, and chemical weathering.


The Earth is interestingly not described as the Grahas/graspers/planets are

described in basic Jyotish texts.

The Earth is actually the Lagna (Pt. S Rath).

We see it as the Focal point. Where the Mind meets the Body.

The Archetypal Point of Reference.

Yet, in Solar System terms, we have water, oxygen;

Prehistoric earth 300-360 million years ago

Had more CO2 than O2, during the Carboniferous period.

The earth teems with life, having the most

‘Normal’ composition of room temperature surroundings.


Mars is known as the Warrior planet,

Reddish-orange with dust and sandstorms, icy polar caps,

Vast deserts, rocky plains, ancient river valleys.

Iron, silicon (sand), aluminium, calcium, and components we

Are more familiar with, in Earth, is in Mars. With a thinner atmosphere.

We have dry riverbeds and canals.

There might be truth in the theory that Kartikeya,

synonymous to the personification of Mars,

had a major war and exterminated the humanoids from the planet.


There’s an asteroid belt between the inner planets until Mars,

And Jupiter onwards. An astronomer mentions cites an

Empirical formula, Titus-Bode law, which explains the spacing.

Between the planets, where n=1 corresponds to Mercury, 2 to Venus,

Then Earth, Mars, and then a place for an empty planet, and so on.

The physics of this asteroid belt reasons

That the supposed-planet was crushed by Jupiter’s gravitational pressure,

Sandwiched between Mars/Angaraka (the warrior planet) and Jupiter.

In the Navgraha system, we have Rahu/Ketu or Dragon head/tail,

They are a broken planet split in two (Rehu=head, Kattu=tail),

actually the son of Simhaka, an asura who

after the Churning of the Ocean/Samudra Manthan;

crept in the line of the Daevas, drank omrit,

had this head severed,

(when Lord Vishnu avatar, Kurma,

Helps Devas/Asuras churn the deep oceans of space,

Which is also our mindstuff/brain serum,

And in project management, politics,

When two opposing parties have to work together

For a common purpose.

In this event, Shibthakur gets to be known

as Neelkanth, drinking the Halahal Vish.

There's Maa Tara, nursing baby form of 

Bhatuk bhairab, and Ayappa or HariHara being born,

Mohini avatar of Krsna and).

 Dasavatar: Surya= Ram, Krsna= Moon, Narasmha=Mars, L. Gautama Buddha= Merc., Vaman= Juipter, Kurma- Shani, Varaha= Rahu, Asc./Earth= Kalki, Ketu= Matsya.


Which corresponds to imaginary points in space, used to calculate when

Eclipses could occur. Could this fragmented shadow graha/grasper

be related to thus?


Jupiter is a gigantic gaseous planet,

Vastly gaseous, and its warmth (fire elements)

Comes from its rotation producing strong winds and storms,

Although being far from the Sun. like the Sun, its primarily hydrogen and helium

And does not have a solid surface like the planets discussed so far.

Deeper still, at the core of Jupiter,  there may be a solid inner core composed of heavier elements, rock and metal \m/[{(>_<)}]\m/


surrounded by a layer of liquid metallic hydrogen.

The inner surfaces of Jupiter supposedly reach

temperatures comparable to the Sun’s.

Jove has a big man ting.


Another ghostlike ghastly/beautiful gaseous planet,

Is Saturn. Very windy, strong magnetic field

Generates a magnetosphere, even, , ever still...

Saturn’s tilt causes seasons like we’re used to on earth.

From the earth, one solar month is 30 days, as the Sun moves 30 degrees

In the sky. 1 degree per day.

Similarly, 30 degrees for Saturn takes 2.5 Earth years,

Andceforth, 18 years for an entire 360 degree lap from its far orbit.


These are highlights of what the telescopes, data analysis

Is known through research and scientific expeditions.

Jyotish speaks with authority in the same field,

With reliable research tools and methodologies

Through tuning the faculty of consciousness,

Within our Mind. To explore realities in a 4-Dimensional way.

"by intensifying the sense-energies internally according to approved yogic methods,"

—enabled them to note, to measure, to weigh and to

classify all the facts concerning the universe without micro meters and telescopes."

0 Kudos


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