Us adepts,
chelas, students,
must first realize what the subject is,
that we’re studying. In awe,
we realize, that this is a subject of
phenomenology. In the study
of Jyotisa, for the sceptic,
it may be useful to do as I did,
which is to forget about it being
about stars of planets.
And starting our study by just
Knowing that the zodiac signs
Pertain to elements, the 5
great elements (or four),
of Arth, Jal, Agni, Prthwi.
You might begin your journey,
by finding out the map of
the moment you were born.
in the hospital or the bathtub.
Finding that Mars was in this portion
of the sky, the moon somewhere else,
the eastern horizon in Gemini or Caprisun.
Think that,
the 12 well-known Zodiac signs,
are not related to space or constellations,
or anything of that sort.
Think of it as, instead,
the combination of elements.
There are various schemas.
Learn Jyotisa as schemas.
In the schema of 4 elements,
The signs, 1 – 5 – 9 are fire,
2 – 6 – 10 earth, … look up the rest.
To reiterate, discard the questions,
of how distant planets or constellations
affect us. And just see the signs as
elements. Elements in daily life.
The physical reality, is, as per this schema,
comprised of the four elements,
found in stars, nebulae,
the earth being no exception.
About the constellations,
anyways, what really are they?
What significance do imaginary lines
on the sky? named by, no doubt,
wise Ancient ancestors, of great respect.
Yet, they still seem to be named, as
Ram, Bull, Man with a Club,
a Crab, Lion, Maiden,
measuring Scales, Scorpion,
a horse-half-man, a goat-half-croc.,
a man with a vessel, and fishes.
Why, in this order? It may seem,
Too arbitrary to same sense,
and at the same time,
impossible to ignore.
My advice would be to,
Look at the placements in
your Kundali or birth chart,
as per the elements. Thereon,
go on to, realize that there are
three pairs of the four elements,
so, that’s 12. Three of Fire, Ea., Wa., Air.
Why three? Therefore,
after seeing the elements of each
faculty of your life, in your Chart,
overlay another layer:
Each element, with the three signs,
say, Mesh, Simha, Dhanu for fire,
one is Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable.
That will be it, for this.
The Elements are great,
I bow to the Elements,
in great reverence,
and Shaddha
(yet not faith, we’re investigators).
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