The Vedas,
Deal with the most
pertinent question of
Humanity. Such as,
the ethereal currents within
Life systems, personified as Deities.
There are 4 Vedas,
the Bhagawat Gita, is the 5th (c. ~3000BC).
For the study of Jyotish,
let us narrow our Purposes,
by realizing that,
it is a
Vedanga, anga means organ, Ved means knowledge/e'cyclopaedia.
Among the 6 Vedangas,
Jyotish is the Eye of the Vedas.
For it holds
relatable, everyday implications.
Of which,
Helpful to humanity,
is all of it.
To navigate through the waters of Life,
'Look into the future.'
The study of the nature of God,
the Final Equation to Everyday,
yet the Very Droplet full of Nectar
(the nectarfull pure Drop of Spiritual nectar,
<of the 9th house>),
That is the Spiritual Study.
The subject of monks, priests, priestesses.
The study of Jyotish, is that of
A Ved-anga,
while the 'Ved-anta' (anta= end)
is the End or Final Conclusion of the Vedas.
By Vedanta, what is literally meant here,
Is the conclusion of the Vedas,
is to be Self-Realized and Love the capital G God.
Personified as Krishna/Shiva, or Objectified as Pure Consciousness.
There has just been a
of divine beings
in the land of Ancient Bharatvash,
Which is blessed by Jove's light.
with Tibet,
the 3rd Pole of the World,
a.k.a., the roof of the world,
with glaciers,
Causing rivers,
Ganga and Jamuna
to flow.
being the
The study of Jyotish,
that will involve
the studying of thousands and thousands
of topics, of Combinations, of Patterns.
Which forms the Mosaic of the Intelligible World.
You would find surprising,
How Logical,
The Vedic Deities seem to make,
in the Tapestry of Nakshatras, i.e.,
In the various celestial locations
In the sky,
making 'polytheism' make sense.
And a secret science worth mastering.
Monotheism makes sense,
as a force making All.
The all in One and One in All.
Called as Krsna, SadaShiva.
SadaShiva and Goloka
Higher Dimensional Planes,
Beyond the dimension/Loka
of Heaven/Swarga, way way beyond
in the Plan of the Egg-Universe.
The Goddess whose Skin
the world is, thereforth,
the skin of the Mother/Mata,
and this Goddess, we call Bhuveshwari.
The Gods of the Nakshatras
Explains the tapestry of the deities.
and why without them,
the cosmos ceases to function.
Such as, Vayu being Wind,
is also called Indra- the Central Channel.
when he Withdraws himself,
All air or space collapses,
causing none to function.
In another schema,
the 64 yoginis are the
ethereal nerves of our system.
Imagine, if just one organ goes on strike,
maybe we live a few more hours
without the stomach than the heart.
Yet, there is no hierarchy
In their importance. Even if it
May seem so.
Amongst Devas,
in the schema of the Rig Ved,
The Devas rule over some huge Cosmic principle,
Like how Agni/Apollo, the god of Fire,
shows the tenancy of
Life-forms with metabolic Fire,
to rise upward, like the Flame,
Rising Higher and Higher,
accumulating, making colonies,
ensuring security, food, resources.
Agni is therefore, the symbolic Leader.
There's also the fire of cognition,
wherce, like the fire burning and
leaving Ash, we cognize concepts,
burn that's useful, and leave the Ash.
Or the digestive fire, as we use
the needful nutrients, and excrete
the rest. Then theres, 100s of
words that mean Fire.
To a lay person,
as many synonyms for a single
Word, may seem a waste of space.
Yet it's,
the secret is,
and the usefulness to us,
to understand reality is concepts as such,
Is on the 'nirukta.'
Nirukta is one of the 5 Vedangas.
which mean etymology.
If you analyze the meanings of the
root words of each word,
the different parts of the word,
it reveals meanings,
knowings, about the nature
of what the word stands for,
and it's connection with other words.
Like how, Krishak mean farmer
in our everyday language,
Which has a common root
with other more well-known words,
Likewise, another word for fire is,
Uhnul. Analyzing Uh+Nal,
even with the common knowledge
of a Hindi or Bengali speaker,
A lay person would uncover
cosmic insights.
Another word for fire is, Krishnabarthana,
meaning: the entity that leaves a black trail.
A Final example:
Nar means Man,
VaNar means Monkey,
(Va= before, Nar= manusya).
One may wonder, this makes sense
in The Indic languages.
True, but,
Gknow that Latin is the
granddaughter of Samskritam.
But it can be proved in stanzas/poems,
how its the most scientific/Nature-aligned
Bhasha (Bhasha= language).
However, with Nirukta,
or eytymylology,
which is one of the 5 Vedangas,
sans guidance,
one can be laughable.
Saying biscuit/biskoot, to be,
Vis (meaning poison) and kút, sounding like coat.
So, a biscuit is a poisonous coat.
Not making it up,
but this was said by a public speaker,
with the adornments of tilak and orange robes,
Let them be cursed to damnation.
Let's explore Nirukta for a bit.
Nirukta is a Vedanga,
In the Sanskrit/Devnagri/Bengali/etc. script(s),
The 1st line of consonants are:
Ka, Kha, Ga, Gha, Nda.
Pronouncing these
would need the air to
bounce from the top of your mouth.
The 2nd line,
Ch, Chha, Ja, Jha, Gŋya,
would need the air
bouncing behind the rind behind your teeth,
The 3rd line,
Ta, Tha, Da, Dha, Nda, (hard T),
geometrically coming closer
from the top of the mouth towards South.
The 4th line is,
ta, tha, da, dha, na (soft T)
The 5th line is,
Pa, pha, ba, bha, ma,
all involve the closing of lips
[Try saying M without mouth closure].
The 6th line is,
Ya, Ra, La, Wa,
the tongue goes below the lower denture.
The 7th is Three types of S.
And on it goes.
Compare it with A,B,C-s,
the schema is likely more arbitrary.
Going on,
With the 27 nakshatras,
each of the nakshatric Gods
hold a supreme cosmic principle.
That connect all potential sounds,
forces, elemental games and composition.
And music and things.
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