In the strategy game,
akin to a chessboard,
playing up in the Sky:
The Grabbers or Graspers or Grahas,
also known colloquially as the planets,
are the nearest large bodied-neighbours of Earth.
They're the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, and the Serpent's Head and Tail: the Navagraha.
Is it so far-fetched to consider,
that they rule within as outside?
Their gravitas definitely,
we see
The 9 graspers, are nothing but the 5 elements:
being the planets around us,
plus the Sun, as the source of Fire (Heat + Light),
the Moon, the source of hormones, water, wetness,
while the Serpent's Head and Tail,
are shadowy non-corporeal graspers of conscience.
Interestingly, the Future is shown by the Serpent's head,
and the Past, the Serpents Tail, Time being an illusion.
Within the ever-present Present.
It is said,
that to manage the affairs on Earth,
the Lord of Man, Narayan,
(Nar= man, Ayan= controller)
Divided conscience, as the 9 grahas,
to manage the various departments of
Life on earth (not limited to humans),
On His Behalf.
The Divine Man, Narayan/Visnu/Krsna,
is in a Dimension,
High up above,
claiming unconditional Love.
[Reference: Youtube= L87RAkgU5i0]
The grahas are the 9 grahas,
The rashis/Zodiac are: aries, taurus, ... pisces,
the houses or bhavas are the 1st, 2nd, ... 12th houses.
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