Uranus, Neptune, Pluto- In Jyotish.
Beyond saturn, the planets can also be brought in the scheme.
In waking life, normal life, it is acceptable
to study until the confines of reality,
with Saturn at the end.
Signifying coldness, death, karma/duty,
Our bones sketching the edges of our physical reality.
The depths until the borders of the mind and human limitation.
However, we do continue beyond the everyday reality.
There are ideas beyond the rational mind as imagination soars high.
So, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.,
are faculties beyond the mind,
Uranus, likened to AI technology is not being usually present in nature,
but is made possible through travelling outside
the broadest borders of the cognizable mind (and years of research).
uranium like Uranus,
leads to the possibility of enormous energy
almost like a secret-power beyond normal reality.
So Neptune also shows psychedelic realities
like the Valleys of Neptune. These grahas have
been accepted by authoritative Jyotish figureheads,
Neptune is related to Poseidon and has been
called Varuna.
The inner-planet themes have denser/3D reality implications.
Like soil, fire, water, ether, vayu, prana.
Metal, trace elements, and numerous contributions.
From the macro to the micro, from the muscles to the lympatic system.
In the human body, its more about the denser materials
like blood (mars), central nervous system fluid (buddh),
bones (saturn), breath/prana (jove) and thoughts (ether).
Human physiology is one thing.
Jyotish is like a Universal Diagnostics system.
Demanding a holographic, systemic, and curious obsessive mindset.
For instance, if we jump from a discussion on the grahas and go to
The elements. The ether element/corresponding to gaseous Jove,
Relates to thoughts. How do we apply this knowledge or scientifically test?
In the vast syllabus of Jyotish,
We come across Panchang, or the 5 organs of the day,
Corresponding to the 5 elements.
The 5th element is Ether, after Earth, Air, Fire, Water.
So, the Ether elements actually is the place for thoughts,
Maybe even the invisible electronic grid of the earth,
powering our cell phones, and sending rays.
However, ether primarily is to with our thoughts,
Just as water element of the panchang, the tithi, shows our emotions.
The theme of all human beings’ abstract thoughts in a day,
Can be seen through the 27 classifications of the Ether element
Of the Panchang, which is the Nakshatras.
The Nakshatras are classified based on the constellations,
they're like deep-rooted thought-forms echoing in eternity.
Our eternity, at least, here on earth.
So, if you know the theme of the nakshatras,
You will find random conversations of those topics,
Amongst strangers on the bus discussing those topics.
For instance, visakha nakshatra shows a bunch of things
Like gates, crossing archways, liquor, bars.
So you might hear conversations on clearing the GATE exam
On a bus.
Is this a confirmational bias?
Keep trying and experimenting.
And the aggregrate/accumulated of the general theme of
The thoughts of all humans on the planet,
Corresponding to the Ether element/the Nakshtras of the Panchang.
Is quite generalized. This is also called blank chart prediction.
There are other factors at play too, for you to accurately predict
From the abstract-most phenomena with grounded accuracy.
Such as the transits or gochar of the 9 grahas.
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