as a og of bfdi since like early 2013 who the fuck r u guys why r u literally shipping everyone together ??????????????? alot of u guys r extremely toxic and fucking woke as fuck and you will literally fume over everything - this fandom used to be so nice and shit everyone was so unique but now we got omg guys this is tree x remote angst dhurrr dhuurr dhurr DIE DIE DIE WHYA????????? WHO ARE YOU WH... » Continue Reading
be warned guys SO i entered my dream i was like at a campfire and then i went to sleep i woke up in a room with someone looking really sad and said "markiplier has died of cancer" and i was like WHAT RHATS NOT TRUE HE WOULDVE TOLD US IF HE HAAD CANCER!!! so i brushed it off i went home and it was all over youtube and i was like helll no this isnt real so i got like reallu sad and cried next day i ... » Continue Reading
writing this in the library, it is 10:48 am, lunch time. period 1. Someone proceeded to fart very loudly during productive time. period 2. i did a quiz, i think i did very good:) i will update on my last 2 periods. » Continue Reading
so i cannot read that well and i dont wna be mean but whenever i read the blog things more than half of the ppl type like "3X@MPL3" and it really throws me off- im not gonna stop them but i think there shld be a nontyping quirk translation for ppl like me, but thats just my thoughts:) i can read the ones with the z but those ones rlly tick me off too » Continue Reading
**DO YOU LIKE ANIMATRONICS??** MAYHAPS YOU LIKE- THE AROCKAFIRE EXPLOSION? this is the place for you! if you like dook ofc. be silly, do dookie things. stay dook. stay HYDRATED. we give instant karma to anyone who messes w us........ arf... JOIN NOW OR I WILL SUFFOCATE YOUR NEWBORN » Continue Reading