The Incredibly Long Survey About You (T.I.L.S.A.Y.)
Name: ethan
Age: 13
Sex: girl/boy (bigendered(
Date of Birth: 10/30/10
Hair Color: fading red
Eye Color: blue
Race: white
Favorite. . .
Color(s): purple
Food: stuffing
Drink: water, dr pepper
Television Show: southpark, family guy
Movie: neverending story/fnaf movie
Song: memento mori - will wood
Artist: tyler the creator
Place to be: inside
Stuffed animal: nunu (my teddy bear since birth)
Pet: mr frost!! 1 of my 5 cats, hes a himilayan blue point- he was bought for me for easter
Person: ethan nestor, markiplier, craig (friend)
Game: fnaf ff7
Clothing brand/style: cloak
What do you want in the opposite sex?
Hair color: doesn't matter
Eye color: doesn't matter
Tatoos: depends on the design
Peircings: that'd be cool
Body Type: doesnt matter
Do they have to be rich?: doesnt matter
Do they have to be popular?: no
Personality or Looks?: personality more than looks
This or that?
Pepsi or Coke: coke
Vanilla or Chocolate: vanilla
Black or White: black
Cats or Dogs: cats
Sink or Swim: swim
Lake or Ocean: ocean
Night or Day: night
Half Full or Half Empty: half full
Desktops or Laptops: laptop
Playstation or Xbox: ps
Summer or Winter: winter
Cold or Warm: cold
Cowboys or Indians: both
Lover or Fighter: lover
Car or Truck: car
Cup or Glass: cup
Fork or Spoon: spoon
Walking or Running: walk
The Fast or The Furious: fast
What do you think of when I say. . .
Soup: why r u at the soup store
Heaven: stupid hazshit hotel
Hell: hellfart
Cucumber: cats
Salad: an old friend
Big Mac: whopper
Sexy: ethan nestor
Pirates: fnaf foxy
Significant: significant other
Beautiful: trees
Lion: lion king
Blues Clues: the dog
Rainbow: scene
Cloud: bfb cloudy
Rapper: eminem
Gangsta: boys at my school
White and Nerdy: john egbert
Lolli pop: lollipop lollipop oh lollylollylolly
Wave: hii
Fad: stanley cups
Aliens: moonrockers
Ghost: band
Survey: this
Do you or have you ever had. . .
y - yes
n - no
A piercing: y
A tattoo: n
A sibling: y
Parents that are still together: y
A boyfriend/girlfriend: y
A husband/wife: n
A child: n
A really wild party while your parents were away?: n
An alcoholic beverage: n
A pet of your own: y
A house of your own: n
A car of your own: n
An iPod: y
Do you. . .
n - no
y - yes
u - used to
Smoke: n
Drink: n
Do drugs: n
Hug on the first date: y
Kiss on the first date: n
'Do it' on the first date: n
Shower Daily: n
Brush your teeth daily: y
Keep your room clean: u
Do all your homework: n
Plan on going to college: y
Do you believe in. . .
God/Heaven: yes but im not pushy on it
Satan/Hell: basically the same as above
Ghosts: yes
Aliens: yes
Witches/wizards: no
Magic: no
Big Foot/Sasquatch/Abominable Snowmen: yes
The past life: yes
Global Warming: yes
Humanism: huh
Scienceology: huh
Hinduism: I'm not religious
Buddism: I'm not religious
Taoism: I'm not religious
Wiccaism: I'm not religious
What's your middle name?: michelle
Have any Nicknames?: eef
What is your favorite name?: eef
What do you wish your name was?: its ethan im happy its ethan
What is your favorite season?: winter
Do you drink alot of water?: yes
Do you have a pet?: yes u already said this
Do you have a computer at your house?: yeah
Do you live in an apartment, house, trailor or other?: condo
Favorite place to chill?: room and school library
Favorite place to visit?: no idea
Ever have an imaginary friend?: yes
If so, what was their name?: seiko
Ever eaten something really disgusting?: subway chicken
Do you work out?: i gotta or ill get surgery
Have you ever gotten arrested?: no
If so, for what?: no
Have you ever cheated on someone?: hell no
Has anyone ever cheated on you?: yes
Have you ever kissed a stranger?: no
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?: yes
have you ever gotten drunk?: no
Could you ever be a vegitarian?: no
Can you sing?: yes
Can you dance?: no
Can you draw, paint, color well?: yes
Do you have a job?: no
Do you like tape?: yes
Do you like glue?: yes
Can you solve a Rubik's Cube?: no
How did you like this survey?: ok
Take this survey ->
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