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character impressions i can do (and some im working on)
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
my range isn't too good (mostly high pitch cause i'm pre-testosterone » Continue Reading
"follow WornReeL on youtube."
blade fickin | autistic | 7teen
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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
my range isn't too good (mostly high pitch cause i'm pre-testosterone » Continue Reading
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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
i got bored and decided to make a list of characters i would smash/smooch (but they're either non-human or concerning for a 16yr old) ヾ( ̄▽ ̄) (not in any specific order) » Continue Reading
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Category: Life
heyhey, im seth! a few details about me are: i go by a ton of names, my main ones are: vik, kris, seth, joel, and jayce. » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
i cant even go outside to smoke anymore.. i get so paranoid that any of these creatures is just going to get me. im so sick of this. i need it to end. we're going to meet up with one of the people from the list of names this weekend.... lets see how shit that goes. kariega WornReel -"J" » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
sorry for being gone for like.... a week. long story short. i woke up in a forest, kariega was there, we found a box w some patient info abt some asher kace, found more papers w slenderman on it, "she" hit me w a rock, i woke up in an abandoned house somewhere, pool of blood, kariega was there.. well... it was ReeL . and apparently i was out cold for a week??? he was telling me abt why we're bein... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
its been a few days since everything went down. i havent left my house, and my brother is acting like nothing happened. i can still feel its presence around my house.. like its constantly watching me. always behind. when is this going to end? -"J" » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
we uploaded all the footage, and tried to salvage what we could. most of it was bugged out, and literally ruined. so i'm sorry if you cant understand whats going on. WornReel go follow kariega for other updates, she's going back home today. kariega ! » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
so i finally met up w that kariega person, and we did some investigations in my estate. (i vaguely posted a bulletin abt it) but things went south... really fast. my brother started acting weird, like.. "he" full on chased us down my road. and we found more papers. and then kariega got grabbed?? and disappeared?? my brother and i ran around the entire estate looking for her. and when we found "he... » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
i went to this abandoned house to go smoke right.. and like ever since i went, this..... thing. has been following me. i'm not sure WHAT it is... but i see it everywhere i go. ive been doing some research.. and i think it's like THE slenderman. yk?? while i was there, i saw some really odd drawings. on the walls, and some scattered papers. i tried to tell my brother, but he just brushed me off...... » Continue Reading
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Category: Life
finally starting this after like a month, i will add my most stand out, weird and traumatizing dreams to this, cause what. thge fuck. (and i'll add more as time passes) a tw in general bc my brain creates the most horrifying shit ever. this is in no order of when i had them, just what pops into my head first. im not sure how this dream started, i was at one of my old schools (alternate school) i t... » Continue Reading
Category: Friends
(ongoing cause im so funny and so jumbled up, no actual timeline) "HES SO CUNTY BABY GIRL FUCKABLE PRINCESS TREATMENT" me talking about ango from bsd " the characters are so pretty i wanna fuck em all" - me talking abt scott pilgrim anime » Continue Reading