i wrote this randomly one night at like ten pm but its like the best thing ive ever done. wanna make it a comic at some point!) - I do not believe my body has any mal intent I do not think it is wrong or disgusting for all the reasons it is, in my eyes, incorrect Wrong seems rude, and bad seems to not fully display my body's hard work Incorrect, then, must be correct I don't feel entirely normal I... » Continue Reading
please help me nothing i do shows up on my profile i dont know what to do with any of the information i am given im used to neocities and coding from scratch this just isnt it for me but i want it to look nice » Continue Reading
Here is a work in progress piece of disabled somewhere else jonmartin! It is inspired by the poem sick4sick by torrin a greathouse, and I am working on an accompanying fic for it as well! They mean so much to me. I cry about them very often, and words can » Continue Reading
So if you’ve read my page then you know I have chronic pain/are chronically ill/disabled. And right now, my pain is kicking my fucking ass. It’s all from my hips to the top of my spine, back and front, and it’s so hard to move at all. But I’m going to grab my heat pillow, some panadol, and try to write a crip4crip jonmartin fic while listening to my special interest (the mechanisms) » Continue Reading
Reminders to myself of what to do here: -> create/code a layout -> for layout: mechs based- steampunk themes, blood, guns, books, cigarettes, and photos of mechs themselves (mainly based around jonny with features from brian and ivy) -> make a blog masterpost of all my xenogenders (or do this on rentry, though rentry can be weird with images) » Continue Reading
Thank FUCK. THANK FUCK. I am glad to see this show gone. I loved s1 when it first came out. Afterwards I talked to my online friend Nastya about it (who also liked it) and we talked about the ableism issues. We were both weary for s2 but we did not expect it to be THAT BAD. I watched all of it with my best friend and parents, and nastyas only seen the first two episodes with me. The show was compl... » Continue Reading
eee hi!! this is my first post here :3 i just finished setting up my account! i know how to code but not how to make a layout so i need to look into that i like it here :-) /gen i always wanted to experience the internet like this but im an unlucky '08 baby » Continue Reading