So if you’ve read my page then you know I have chronic pain/are chronically ill/disabled. And right now, my pain is kicking my fucking ass.
It’s all from my hips to the top of my spine, back and front, and it’s so hard to move at all. But I’m going to grab my heat pillow, some panadol, and try to write a crip4crip jonmartin fic while listening to my special interest (the mechanisms) <3
So this is a reminder to chronically ill people to please try to take care of your body and mind, wether this is finding ways to be in less pain, or finding ways to cope with the pain. It can be so hard, I know. It hurts so so much and it feels like you can’t do anything. But pop on some music, watch a show, have medicine, eat food or set up your feeding tube when you need to, drink water, and try to go to the toilet when you need to.
Ignore doing physical activities, having a shower, talking to people if it’s too overwhelming— just think about you, your body, and what you need to make yourself feel even a little better. Vent about it on a blog post, read disabled character fan fiction, engage in your interests, whatever it is! You deserve to be happy and to take care of yourself. <3
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