I'm so sick i trying to find not only leg warmers but legwarmers that actually fit my big ass fucking calf's. I swear every time i find some and get all excited i have to get my hopes crushed by the measurements. I can drop legwarmers that i find for good prices 40$ and under if y'all want which is crazy that legwarmers can cost so much but I guess capitalism is going to capitalize the people who... » Continue Reading
So, if you look at my profile picture you may be able to tell that it's a rosy maple moth, which in case your one of the many who don't know me, I love them. I also love to shop on depop so when i found these i was SO happy 12.00$ Cute moth earrin » Continue Reading
i want to have more furry friends because they, most of the time, have a lot of money so i like to think that they have a sense of what they're doing with their lives. And I hope that I can get inspired by them to finally do something productive with my life, rather than rotting away in my dad's basement with all these titles floating around me, wishing i could pick one without feeling like I'm lo... » Continue Reading
So, this might be long so just prepare for that. I normally don't do these types of long typed rants, but I've been inspired by others on this website, and I also just want to get this off my brain. Apologies if this isn't all the way coherent, I'm not very smart. Exanimate (adj.) Once but no longer alive » Continue Reading
these are just the ones i bought, if you want me to drop other stuff ive found for under 30$ just let me know in the comments!! I won't gatekeep just cause im 2 broke to buy all of them, i wanna share the swag :D » Continue Reading
HAPPY HALLOWEEN- if you celebrate ofc IM GOING AS A MOTH :D i only have the antennae head pieces and a moth back bling but IT WORKS ima prob head into Salem later tonight but I'll let you guys know how it goes, hopefully better than last time i went Peace out :D » Continue Reading
i made some more patches for my clothes cause im too broke to buy new clothes XP I'll put the top one on the back of another shirt i was working on, just waiting for it to dry so i can sew it on :D The bottom patch i'll use to cover a logo on some shorts i have cause i had having logos on my clothes, I AINT NO WALKING ADVERTISMENT !! XD » Continue Reading
i was inspired by this pic so i made these patches using old t shirts that i cut into shape and used some fabric paint but the only one that turned out nice was the blue one T.T » Continue Reading