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Category: Blogging

furry friends

i want to have more furry friends because they, most of the time, have a lot of money so i like to think that they have a sense of what they're doing with their lives. And I hope that I can get inspired by them to finally do something productive with my life, rather than rotting away in my dad's basement with all these titles floating around me, wishing i could pick one without feeling like I'm losing apart of me

but anyways

I don't really know if anyone reads these but ik that what's on the internet stay here forever

so, in a sense I'm immortal

just in this moment, as long as you keep reading, I'm alive in your memory

but thats too much of a burden to carry in my opinion

i feel more like every other person on the internet

 screaming into the void

 all my feelings i fear to experience

but im glad to not be so alone in this moment

its a sense of comfort to know im not alone in my suffering of the world

seprate we are tiny


together we are mighty

not really put together sorry

dog died

grief is eating me up so I'm trying to do anything i can but think

i miss her

0 Kudos


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cl0wn's profile picture

I've often seen the notion pop up in relation to furries that the reason they are seen spending so much money on that one hobby (art commissions, fursuits and what have you) is because this is their only hobby and so they can afford to spend all their money on it but personally I havent found that to be true with any of the furries I've ever interacted with.

If I had to guess I'd say its more likely that the meme about IT/tech services being full of furries is closer to the truth. That job sector pays well (at least where I live it does), probably wont make you rich but you'd be well off enough to be able to splurge on such hobbies. Why are so many furries IT people? Hell if I know but it seems that furries over the history of that fandom (for want of a better word) have generally been on the geeky side and it certainly used to be true that a lot of geeks and dorks were interested in tech and tech-adjacent things.

As for what to do with your life...honestly, I dont think there's anything particularly wrong with not having some goal and just going about life sort of wandering carefree (though I am admittedly bad at practicing what I preach in this case) but if you are going to look to furries for guidance on that front I think letting yourself be immersed in your interests and unabashedly enjoying them regardless of what else you are doing in life is probably the way to go.

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I like the way you think, I'll take that last bit to heart and just try to enjoy the interests and hobbies I have now then to worry myself too much about long term life goals, ty for responding :D

by Moth_Crazy; ; Report