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"Playing Ponytown Come and find me!"

*Holds you at gunpoint*

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Discord Update..My thoughts

Category: Blogging

I understand that some individuals are resistant to the recent changes, expressing concerns about potential issues like increased spamming of graphic content and the risk of others discovering their Discord through contacts and email. However, I believe some are exaggerating the situation, portraying it as a catastrophic event. I've witnessed instances where users canceled their Nitro subscription... » Continue Reading

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Cool things..

Category: Blogging

I've been thinking lately if there was a possibility of making games and putting them on our spacehey profiles,like a simple game either about ourselves or what not..i couldn't imagine the coding nightmare it would be but i feel like it would be so cool at the end of the day! If anyone is better at html and CC coding than i..Please find a way to make a game to go on the profiles! That would be a G... » Continue Reading

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Youtube has blocked you from watching videos due to your adblocker? What can you do?

Category: Web, HTML, Tech

Let's be honest, nobody really wants to disable their adblocker for YouTube, especially considering the onslaught of invasive ads on the platform. Plus, the FBI recommends keeping it on for security reasons to guard against cyber attacks. But how do you cope with the growing restrictions on YouTube videos? 1. » Continue Reading

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Category: Life

Tell me your funniest or weirdest confessions! They can be anything at all and there will be no judgement here!  Rules_ 1.No judging or going after someone due to whatever they confessed. 2.Confessions involving abuse towards minors or abuse at all towards someone will be reported(This will be the only exception to the no judging rule) 3.You don't have to confess something if you don't want to » Continue Reading

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Learning how to work the code on this site is hard but also interesting at the same time

Category: Web, HTML, Tech

It's so interesting having to learn how to code,how to get everything to work,how does this code work with this code? And what exactly works without breaking spacehey entirely? I even came up with the idea of "Hey why can't we put a game into our profile that's made from html?" but that backfired because i'm not well skilled in the art of coding haha, if people that are much more skilled at coding... » Continue Reading

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It's hard to stay motivated these days..

Category: Life

It's hard to stay motivated when there's alot of negativity in the world at the moment..makes me feel like just crawling up into a ball..and it doesn't help when people around you are seemingly against the things you like to do making it harder to even want to do those things in the first place..i kinda wish there was more positivity in the world sometimes...but those don't get the news like tradg... » Continue Reading

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Annoying Character Tropes: Why We Cringe and Roll Our Eyes

Category: Books and Stories

We've all been there. You're watching your favorite movie or TV show, and suddenly, a character pops up on the screen who makes you cringe, roll your eyes, or even want to switch the channel. These are the annoying character tropes that have become all too familiar in storytelling, and they can be a major source of frustration for audiences. In this blog post, we're going to delve into some of the... » Continue Reading

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The Surprising Health Benefits of Practicing Gratitude Daily

Category: Life

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life and forget to take a moment to reflect on the things we're grateful for. 😌 But did you know that practicing gratitude regularly can have a profound impact on your overall health and well-being? In this blog post, we'll explore the surprising health benefits of incorporating gratitude into your daily rout... » Continue Reading

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What was your favorite Toy brand growing up?

Category: Life

What was your favorite toy Brand growing up? Was it Barbie? Bratz? Furbies? Legos? What is some fun memories that you have of that toy brand? Is it a dream to have a toy from that brand? Or do you have one already that you've saved from your childhood? Mine was Bratz and Monster high dolls! I loved how they where more towards darker aesthics than barbie! And plus they had alot more patterns then j... » Continue Reading

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Public Diary (Chapter 1:Just stuff i'm doing today)

Category: Life

📚 **Something New I Learned Today: Exploring Klask** As someone who loves exploring new hobbies, today was a day of discovery. I stumbled upon the exciting world of tabletop gaming and learned about a game called Klask. The blend of strategy and skill in this game has me intrigued, and I can't wait to give it a try with friends. 🪨 **A Cool Find: The Rock » Continue Reading

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