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Category: Blogging

Discord Update..My thoughts

I understand that some individuals are resistant to the recent changes, expressing concerns about potential issues like increased spamming of graphic content and the risk of others discovering their Discord through contacts and email. However, I believe some are exaggerating the situation, portraying it as a catastrophic event. I've witnessed instances where users canceled their Nitro subscriptions in protest. In my view, Discord is likely to refine and enhance the new update over time, addressing security concerns and resolving any bugs. It seems that some are magnifying the impact of these changes beyond reasonable proportions. It's one thing to not like a change or an update to the platform. It's another to think that the developers are going to listen to you due to you canceling your yearly nitro. It's just a social media app where you can chat to friends, and i doubt those that are blocked are going to be able to use any of that to talk to people that have them blocked! You can't talk to them if your blocked,unfriended and have it set to where only friends can talk to you. And if a random person is asking to text you, you don't have to say yes to dms! Put it to friends only and requests only. Only let those you trust be able to dm you in's not that big of a deal!

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ポッチ's profile picture

is this gpt'ed?

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Half way yeah,but only to rewrite it to make it sound not so unreadable,i've had people tell me the way i type and write stuff online is always somehow unreadable

by ShadShady; ; Report