"getting my shit together"
Does anyone actually read this? 27y / Florida
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LectroNyx's Blog Entries
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Category: Blogging
MAN, i was hoping i'd have a good weekend... the fuck happened? thanks to changes in the law, them moving the bar, i'm being taken off of disability. the heavily depressed, paranoid wreck who suffers frequent hallucinations and cannot spend too much time in public without becoming a threat to himself is apparently not disabled and doesn't need financial help despite the fact that he doesnt make en... » Continue Reading
Thoughts on SpaceHey so far.
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
Well, it's been about a week, huh? Guess i should halfass a review. Pros: i fucking love html so much it's unreal BIGTIME childhood nostalgia, finally using the cool site my older brother used yay I really like blogging Cons: Can't convince anyone else to join me Bulletins being temporary goes against my philosophy of trying to make things remain over a long time, keeping stuff able to be returned... » Continue Reading
One of the most underrated albums of all time...
Category: Music
You know Pink Floyd. Everybody and their mother either owns the album Dark Side of the Moon, or has something in reference to its album art. It's become the icon for the band, but it doesn't represent them properly. The Wall is debated to be either the band's work, or just one man's. A little more argument can be made for Wish You Were Here. However, the best representation of Pink Floyd is actual... » Continue Reading
So here I am.
Category: Blogging
Man. I was excited by the prospect of an early 2000s myspace clone. That shit sounded so good it was unreal, being able to basically use the site my older brother used when I was a kid. My life really is just chasing after an image of what I thought was cool when I was a child. It's kind of depressing to think about, if I'm being honest. I'm almost thirty, and I'm clinging to a world that was twen... » Continue Reading
Category: Writing and Poetry
Though they told him he was young The mundanity of life aged him Slowly dying behind a desk. Never knowing what was wrong, The world moved past him, Denying his needed rest. » Continue Reading
To start our week, a passage from Scriptura Ordo Falconum
Category: Religion and Philosophy
"We as a species could learn how to survive with our arms and legs all interlinked, forming a vast, fleshy, multitude mat of nude, interwoven humans, using thumbs, big toes, to slowly stilt walk across the great American plains, where we would bow our heads down in prayer to feed." Goldsmith 6:24 Falcon fidelis » Continue Reading
So this is Spacehey
Category: Blogging
howdy, fuckers. i'm lectronyx. thought you could escape me? helllllllllllll no. so a friend showed me this, and i thought it looked pretty neat. i can see myself using it, if people i know pick it up. so here i am, writing up my first blog entry, and wondering to myself "how can i get people interested in this?" i'm rapidly coming to the realization that i have no idea what this even is. it's so d... » Continue Reading