It's been a bit of a pain in the back, to say the least, to keep up with school and the expectations of those who teach me. I feel as if I've lost a lot of my initial gas in school. not a lack of drive to learn but consistently a fear to apply that knowledge and have to work within the rigid guidelines and structures of the English Language and formalized writing styles such as APA and college lev... » Continue Reading
It's been like 2 years since I've done anything on this site. It's hard to keep up with but it's really fun to use. I've been extraordinarily busy and probably negligent, actually probably uhm, more than negligent to certain aspects of my life. I live in Philadelphia now, as we had planned for a little over a year, but there isn't really an 'us' anymore. It's just me, across the country, attending... » Continue Reading
went on a ride today, hit up my local tracks, there's a bridge with a fantastic uphill and crazy fast downhill, it's sort of terrifying because it's a marginally trafficked area - it is in fact leading to the projects which are in no way remotely as scary as everyone insisted to me they were (they're really not) at least in the daylight, i wouldn't get caught at night out there because gang violen... » Continue Reading
YOU WILL NEED -Rice (Brown or White - White cooks faster and can be made sticky by leaving lid on pot and intermittently removing lid to keep from boiling over ) -make as much as you need- -COUNTRY PRIDE Chicken Breast Nuggets (can be made in conventional » Continue Reading
Biked like a good 4-5 miles today, went to a park that's essentially on the other side of outside-of-town from me and biked around for a bit, got some solid air and speed very fun. ^ love me vintage ross mountain bike and i know what you're thinking... » Continue Reading