I officially failed two semesters of college, so I don't know what to do now :(. I've been thinking about moving on campus so maybe I'm more motivated because living at my house with family makes me unmotivated to show up to class + I really love my job and I live really close to it, so I only get up on time for that. I also started a new medication for my ADHD so I can focus better. the one I was... » Continue Reading
thinking 0f quitting my j0b, f0cus m0re 0n c0llege, and start a band but idk... i really want t0 be part 0f an awes0me band and feel that adrenaline rush but i d0n't kn0w if i'll be successful enough :P » Continue Reading
t0tally f0rg0t t0 bl0g ab0ut this, but i g0t s0me crypt0z00l0gy perfume/c0l0gne that i am S0 in l0ve with! their names are fresn0 nightcrawler, jersey devil, and m0thman m0tel. they all smell s0 g00d! i als0 l0ve h0w they're n0t masculine nor feminine, just really g00d smells. plus they all smell earthy. i can't wait t0 g0 cryptid hunting with them 0n. h0pefully they d0n't scare anything away. » Continue Reading
i'm a bit nerv0us because i've never g0tten a massage bef0re, but i'm kinda excited because it's free since this week is staff and v0lunteer appreciation week. it's als0 kinda c00l because this is my first j0b ever and i never th0ught a j0b w0uld just d0 this stuff f0r their staff and v0lunteers. sadly, i w0rk part time s0 i d0n't get a free breakfast n0r lunch (i mean, maybe i can get free lunch ... » Continue Reading
i'm s0 happy that 0ur flag means death has new epis0des! i can n0t wait f0r the next 0nes c0me 0ut. i might try and make fanart but i haven't drawn in a l0ng time. » Continue Reading
currently writing ab0ut the em0 subculture f0r a c0llege essay. h0nestly it kinda sucks because i'm rushing t0 get it d0ne but 0h well. » Continue Reading
my snakebite jewelry fell int0 the sink this m0rning. they're already healing s0 i g0tta g0 repierce t0m0rr0w if i have time after w0rk. :( » Continue Reading
just spent two hours writing thank you notes to the people who gifted me stuff for graduation and i've only gotten three done. i really need to stop messing up these notes (¬_¬;) » Continue Reading