looking for off---line friends!!
Category: Friends
hiii.. are there any fellow off---line users? i want to start using it more but am shy... pleas....sniffle... plz be 16+ though... smiles » Continue Reading
"being lol"
worlds most usual 17 yr old
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SpaceHey Blog URL:
Category: Friends
hiii.. are there any fellow off---line users? i want to start using it more but am shy... pleas....sniffle... plz be 16+ though... smiles » Continue Reading
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
where are they...where are you.. quotev? quotevians? i havent heard their names in years ... the admins have run away to greener pastures, and yet they have taken our livelihood.. this note may never see the light of day but i must tell you before i pass on... the quotevian blood will live on in you.... » Continue Reading
— 2 Kudos
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
been toying with the idea to make a revival-site of old q liek. 2013-14. so far we're calling it quizinga which is just rlly good, to me, in my opinion, to me, and my five friends. sorry spacehey i never talk to u anymore figured u'd want to hear the lengths my brain is going to for old q. » Continue Reading
Category: Writing and Poetry
Sometimes I look in the mirror And I don't meet my eyes, » Continue Reading
Category: Writing and Poetry
do you know who i am? my name is love. i extend a hand and another hand to you. pick you from your feet. i dust off your clothes for you. » Continue Reading
Category: Friends
Hi Spacehey. I'm lonely, and I'm desperate. I need friends. I need friends who are also in Danganronpa hell. I want to be friends with people who know what a Danganronpa is. Perchance they'd even be willing to RP Danganronpa with me. Guys I'm desperate, and I am afraid. Please respond with haste if you, too, are a Danganronpa fan. [if ur 14 or under please dont however /LH] » Continue Reading
— 1 Comment— 1 Kudos
Category: Friends
no i dont mean 100 friends.......on hit website spacehey...I MEAN PEOPLE TO SPEAK WITH!! COMMUNICATION!! SOCIALIZATION!!!!! RAHHHHHH. listen guys *reaching through the screen with tears inm my eye sim weeping btw » Continue Reading
— 4 Kudos
Category: SpaceHey
i know there are many more than me who sort by recent on blogs.... tip: there is a private option. its right there. diary (private). so only you can see it. or you can make it friends only. im going to be as nice as possible when i say its not good practice to do venting and such extremely publicly!! please exercise caution and privacy. thas all sorry » Continue Reading
Category: Friends
I FEEL LIKE it would be fun to try to get a roleplay group on here esp since there r more people my age but the thing is do the individuals my age on here understand the sacred texts (roleplaying)... im scared of other 15 and 16 years olds ok.... do they understand my horrors? will they ever? umm on that note if youre around my age (16) maybe we could form an rp group or something! i just think it... » Continue Reading
— 1 Kudos
Category: Friends
all my friends are pink anime girls on here do i have amazing pink anime being vibes that just draw people in. is it the monogatari fan that makes people want to study me as a specimen. what has made the pink anime girls add me as their 'friend' on the esteemed website known as 'spacehey'. i must conduct research. » Continue Reading
— 1 Comment— 4 Kudos
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
nobody gets me and my inherent need for old 2014 quotev. like just fullstop!!!!! sorry for abusing the blog feature btw i just need to SCREAM and maybe someone will hear me. ofc i know its highly unlikely this will ever happen but listen surely i can dream.. maybe one day it will happen and i perhaps will be so elated and overjoyed and yahoo and jump jump. do you see the vision my dear friends. im... » Continue Reading
— 1 Comment— 2 Kudos
Category: Writing and Poetry
i am getting a desperate urge to ramble about my ocs if only anyone could hear my pleas in this cruel fucked up world. if anybody can hear me you must speak nor or else i may never once more breathe life into the essence of creatioN What the fuck . anyways you heard me ifyou can hear me RUN AT ME NOW AND I WILL DO IT » Continue Reading