Thought of her a lot today, but it was different. I missed her, but the old her, not the actual her. I could see she changed a lot, I could see the bad patterns more clearly, I started looking back and see where we both did a wrong step, not just me. Idk if I make any sense right now. I also hung out with my cool friends today!!! They are watching a movie but I went to my room cause I wanted to w... » Continue Reading
Thought of her a lot today, but it was different. I missed her, but the old her, not the actual her. I could see she changed a lot, I could see the bad patterns more clearly, I started looking back and see where we both did a wrong step, not just me. Idk if I make any sense right now. I also hung out with my cool friends today!!! They are watching a movie but I went to my room cause I wanted to w... » Continue Reading
I forgot to mention this in the "Feeling good entry"!! Another thing that made me happy today is that I did my video project for one of my teachers! It has no meaning yet lol, it will probably be something like the romanian state fucking students over xdd » Continue Reading
Me and my ex-girlfriend broke up a month ago, after we've been together for almost 2 months. It was my longest relationship and she taught me what real love is. She broke up with me because she said she needed space, and I believe her. I felt the same as she did at one point in our relationship and asked for a break aswell, and that break made me realize how much I actually love her. I'm offering ... » Continue Reading
Today was a good day, i took my first exam this sem lol, ive been up all night studying and slept after the exam. I'm planning to do the same thing tonight, I've made some cool friends in my building, I've been at their room most nights, listening to music, drinking and studying xd kinda skipped uni a bit tho cause i slept in the morning until the afternoon xdd became a vampire lol tonight im stud... » Continue Reading
forgot to update, managed to mod it, it was weird, i had to set the language to spanish to do it. i installed like 50 games on it, i still have some space left cause i have a 128gb card on it but i might keep that space for photos » Continue Reading
i cant wait to finally be done with my examsss it sucks so much to not be able to have fun :/ my head hurts and im so tired i just want it to be over » Continue Reading
im bout to head out, i need to take a walk, staying home pisses me off my mental health is declining again, but i mean its normal, afterall im really stressed lately, i hope i dont end up losing grip of myself » Continue Reading