marcus x_x

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03/25-03/31 Despairing

Category: Blogging

I started out this week so hopeful about college and now I feel like I'm in danger of being depressed. I had meeting with both my CSU and current university counselors, which both went fine. The CSU one was really trying to draw me in and my current advisor was like we're sad to see you go, but I wish you luck. I told myself that after those meeting I would make my decision but now I feel more con... » Continue Reading

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03/18-03/24 Prepping

Category: Blogging

This week was just okay and really busy. I was running errands every day and it took a lot out of me. This week I have been at war with the house sparrow that won't stop building a nest in the bird house. I have decided to leave the door down because if it's up all the time nothing will go in it, not even native species. So I have been leaving it down, but because of that the house sparrow will no... » Continue Reading

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03/11 - 03/17 Back to school, what a week

Category: Blogging

Oh god I did exactly what I promised I wouldn't do and forgot an entry. 03/04 - 03/10 was my spring break but it was pretty blah. I either worked or procrastinated studying. The only fun thing I did was go to a concert with the only friend who was home at the time, and that made me really happy. This week was a very interesting one to be sure. It was the beginning of daylight savings, really, warm... » Continue Reading

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02/26-03/03 Springtime

Category: Blogging

This week has had its ups and downs. It is beginning to really feel like spring. On the downside, this made it warmer. My body was not reacting well to the increase in temperature and during the beginning of the week I felt sick because of it. I think that as it got colder I wasn't drinking enough water and now that it's warm I'm really beginning to feel those effects.  On the upside, spring is my... » Continue Reading

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02/19- 02/25 Regrets

Category: Blogging

It was very warm this week. When I went on a walk on Wednesday I saw the small purple flowers that always grow at the first sign of spring. On Friday I hit nine months on T ^_^ This week I have been thinking a lot about my college choices and I have been regretting what I did do. Instead of going to Colorado State University- my dream school- I wen to the university in the town where I live. I mos... » Continue Reading

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02/12 - 02/18

Category: Blogging

I worked a lot again this week, but I actually did my homework this time because now that it's nearing the end of the month it's all due. I listened to an ungodly amount of Rammstein. Valentine's Day happened but I don't really give a fuck about that.  It snowed a lot on Friday, about 4 inches in total, and I didn't expect it at all. When I got to campus at 8:45 it was mild temperature and a littl... » Continue Reading

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Category: Blogging

I worked so much this week, at both of my jobs. I didn't do, like, any of my homework because of how busy I was, but luckily it's all due at the end of the month. We got the grades for our first tests back in trigonometry and I did so unbelievably bad (56%). I don't even know how I did that terribly, I thought that I had a bet ter understanding of the material. Now my grade is terrible (54%) and I... » Continue Reading

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01/29- 02/04

Category: Blogging

I had a very tiring and busy week. Part of the tiredness is because a while ago the iron supplement prescription given to me by the children's sleep center for my chronic insomnia finally ran out. I stopped seeing them because I was almost aged out of the center and felt that since I've remained stable for the past few years going to the adult center wasn't necessary. I kept forgetting to buy supp... » Continue Reading

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I need to stop neglecting this site

Category: Blogging

For too long I've been neglecting this site. I created it in my junior year of high school and haven't touched it much since. I think that making a entry every Sunday about how how my week went will keep me motivated and give some new life to this profile. This week started off strong by having all of my classes cancelled on Monday due to bad weather. That night and early in the morning there was ... » Continue Reading

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— 2 Kudos

vey good spring break

Category: Blogging

Today is my very last day of spring break and I'm really sad. I had such a good week off even though I didn't go to Cancun or Florida like the other wealthier kids I go to school with did. I rode my bike a lot, slept in, saw batman a second time, watched OFMD two times (which is sooooo good, definitely my favorite tv show of all time now), and went to the art museum and it was a great. Except for ... » Continue Reading

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even MORE tired

Category: Blogging

Damn if I though last week was bad this week is worse. All my teachers are still cramming stuff in. I had to dissect a heart yesterday (I thought it was going to be the day before break but I guess not) and take a test tomorrow and Friday and write a five-paragraph essay that my english teacher is only giving us one day to do. Plus I have to do a demanding activity after school every day. » Continue Reading

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Category: Life

I'm so tired this week, its took so much out of me. I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror and I look like shit, I feel like shit. I have really dark circles under my eyes and my face is so pale. It double sucks because my birthday was on Tuesday and I felt horrible and had to turn down going out to eat somewhere because I had too much homework. ON MY BIRTHDAY! My sister's birthday is today I h... » Continue Reading

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