forgot about this website lmao does anyone know how to deal with a deep sad feeling that always comes back the minute i'm not distracted by something? i'm trying to hard to create a life worth living and to get out and do things. i feel like it's all pointless. nothing makes me happy anymore nothing makes me forget anymore. how to see the world as a beautiful place again no borax no glue pls » Continue Reading
I hear ringing in my ears the screams of the dead the child in me that died. tonight 4:42 a huge boom. was it a bomb? the loudest thunder I've ever heard? an explosion? It frightened me at first. Then my first thought: was that my fault? It's scary not knowing if that was real or not. I see worm-like creatures slithering on the floor and I clo » Continue Reading
think i just came out of a manic or hypomanic episode. i feel depressed as fuuuck rn could it not have waited until i finished my assignment due soon? im so tired » Continue Reading
1. When an uber driver reaches 5 stars they unlock their car form and turn into the car 2. Every uber is actually named Pete 3. You never see the same uber twice 4. In the future pigeons will run uber and deliver the food through your window. Flying is much faster and more efficient, don't have to worry about traffic 5. Flying cars will never exist. the earth cannot sustain this way of living as ... » Continue Reading
dont know dont know nevermind just tangled wires in my mind sorting through it means unraveling things that hurt too or did anything even happen really think i'll just leave the web be for now need someone to come with me im afraid ill never know » Continue Reading