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ii kiilled god and ate hii2 corp2e

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kiin2 lii2t

Category: Blogging

woah hey you can piin thiing2. that2 pretty handy. here2 a kiin2lii2t two be piinned at the top of my blog then: kiin2 are numbered and biifuriicated, becau2e of cour2e they fuckiing are.                       RED       |     BLUE  Lonely Lyle      |                          | Sollux Captor Whirl                 | Mithrix V1          » Continue Reading

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Category: Life

haviing a phy2iical body ii2 weiird. 2ometiime2 ii forget that ii am, iin fact, a phy2iical liiviing organii2m, liike every other aniimal on the planet, wiith phy2iical health that ii2 organiic iin nature. liike, what the fuck, why can bacteriia n 2hiit grow iin my body? am ii a fuckiing petrii dii2h? apparently. iin liight of thii2, iive realiized ii 2hould have been lii2teniing two my dentii2t2,... » Continue Reading

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ror2 moddiing

Category: Games

currently iin the proce22 of makiing a mod for rii2k of raiin 2. ii am uncertaiin a2 two how many people are famiiliiar wiith that game iin-depth but regardle22 ii wiill make a po2t detaiiliing my current wiip. the mod focu2e2 on addiing the reaper from hopoo2 other game, deadbolt. Passive - Killing a [Marked] enemy turns you invisible. Attacking while invisible will grant your attack 100% extra d... » Continue Reading

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iintro 2urvey

Category: Blogging

ii dont remember who ii 2tole thii2 from lmao but iim doiing iit becau2e iim bored. BASIC INFO » Continue Reading

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oh thank god my bliind2 are fiixed

Category: Blogging

my bliind2 broke off of my fuckiing wiindow a few day2 ago && ii ju2t managed two get them back up. poked my fiinger && now iit hurt2 but whatever iim happy that the 2un ii2nt 2hiiniing diirectly through my wiindow && iintwo my eye2 anymore lmao. iim 2tiill awfully new two thii2 whole bloggiing thiing && tbh thii2 ii2 the exact 2ort of 2hiit iid make a po2t about on vent but iit ii2 pretty iincon2... » Continue Reading

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— 2 Kudos

another venter abandoniing 2hiip

Category: Blogging

yo. vent fuckiing diied lmao 2o iim 2tuck puttiing my thought2 here for now. ii dunno how thii2 2hiit work2 or how iim 2uppo2ed two make po2t2 n 2hiit. liike what2 good form here? 2hould ii be makiing my ramble po2t2 priivate two not clog up the feed2 or 2hould ii po2t iin certaiin categoriie2? ii2 "bloggiing" for per2onal po2t2?? who the fuck know2 lmao. ii do enjoy thii2 partiicular 2tyle of po2... » Continue Reading

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