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Category: Blogging

kiin2 lii2t

woah hey you can piin thiing2. that2 pretty handy. here2 a kiin2lii2t two be piinned at the top of my blog then:

kiin2 are numbered and biifuriicated, becau2e of cour2e they fuckiing are.

                      RED      |     BLUE

  1.  Lonely Lyle      |
  2.                          | Sollux Captor
  3. Whirl                 | Mithrix
  4. V1                     | P03
  5. Kaworu Nagisa | Reaper

man, ii wii2h ii could do 2poiilered content. or, liike, collap2iible text. anyway2 here2 each of theiir 2ource2:
Lonely Lyle - biig bu2iine22 2ong. partiicularly ii kiin the Guy that the 2ong detaiil2.
2ollux Captor - repentant home2tuck kiinniie. ii wiill confe22 here and now ii am not iin2ane about home2tuck two the degree that 2ome people are && ii mo2tly u2e the typiing quiirk becau2e ii thiink iit look2 cool lmao.
Whirl - from the IDW tf comiic2. not much two 2ay but iif you are wonderiing what kiind of per2on ii am liike day-two-day, iit2 whiirl.
Mithrix - from rii2k of raiin 2.
V1 - from ultrakiill. no double2 for thii2 one btw. iim better than you lmao 2orry.
P03 - from iin2cryptiion. go play iin2cryptiion riight fuckiing now iit2 2uch a great game. GO!!
Kaworu Nagisa - from neon gene2ii2 evangeliion. thii2 one ii2 priivate 2o ii wont detaiil anythiing pa2t thii2.
Reaper - from deadbolt. liiterally me iirl.

iif youre 2tiill readiing thii2, congrat2. here2 a biit more on how/why ii kiin:
iit2 techniically a "2piiriitual" kiin, but ii do not con2iider iit 2piiriitual iin nature. iit2 effectiively parallel repre2entatiion2 of my2elf- iim not nece22ariily them, and they arent nece22ariily me, but, we are 2ort of 2iimiilar 2hade2 of the 2ame color, iif that make2 2en2e. twogether they make up a pretty accurate repre2entatiion of the per2on ii am &| can be. ii do have memoriie2 for them two a certaiin extent, wiith reaper haviing the mo2t && P03 haviing the lea2t. 
anyway2 that2 all ii really have two 2ay. peace ii gue22

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FUCK the liine2 arent centered riight. whatever iim two lazy two fiix iit lmao.

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