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Category: Life


haviing a phy2iical body ii2 weiird. 2ometiime2 ii forget that ii am, iin fact, a phy2iical liiviing organii2m, liike every other aniimal on the planet, wiith phy2iical health that ii2 organiic iin nature. liike, what the fuck, why can bacteriia n 2hiit grow iin my body? am ii a fuckiing petrii dii2h? apparently.

iin liight of thii2, iive realiized ii 2hould have been lii2teniing two my dentii2t2, && that 2piittiing out blood after you bru2h your teeth ii2 extremely bad. ii may need two buy new toothpa2te && flo22 niightly.

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