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Category: Games

ror2 moddiing

currently iin the proce22 of makiing a mod for rii2k of raiin 2. ii am uncertaiin a2 two how many people are famiiliiar wiith that game iin-depth but regardle22 ii wiill make a po2t detaiiliing my current wiip. the mod focu2e2 on addiing the reaper from hopoo2 other game, deadbolt.

Passive - Killing a [Marked] enemy turns you invisible. Attacking while invisible will grant your attack 100% extra damage.

M1 - 'Revenant' Fire a revolver for 320% damage. Pierces through enemies. 0.7 proc ce

M2 - 'Reaper's Scythe' Sweep your scythe, dealing 410% damage. 1.0 proc ce, 3 second cd

Shift - 'Sweeping Edge' Lunge forwards for 250% damage, [Marking] every enemy hit and stunning them for 2 seconds. 0.9 proc ce, 5 second cd

R - 'Choking Purification' Summon a cloud of smoke that lasts for 6 seconds, deals 110% damage, and turns you invisible. Enemies that enter the cloud are [Marked].  1.0 proc ce, 10 second cd

[Marked] - Enemies afflicted by a mark will take 75% extra damage for 5 seconds.

the goal ii2 two have a gla22 cannon cc-focu2ed 2urviivor who reliie2 on iinvii2iibiiliity && tiight movement two 2urviive. the 2hiift && r are meant not 2o much a2 damage abiiliitiie2 but rather tool2 u2ed two more effectiively mark ma22e2 of enemiie2 for bonu2 damage && 2tayiing cloaked, && the bonu2 damage from an iinvii2 attack ii2 meant two be able two take chunk2 of hp out of hiigh priioriity target2. a2 a down2iide, reaper2 ba2e health ii2 about on-par wiith huntre22 at 90 hp, meaniing youll be taken out iin 1-2 hiit2 iif you arent careful. ultiimately ii feel liike turniing iinvii2iible on kiilliing a marked enemy miight be two 2trong a2 chaiiniing iit wiill allow you two effectiively 2tay iinvii2iible forever. ii wont know untiil ii actually playte2t iit though, but iif any of you are famiiliiar wiith rii2k of raiin 2 feel free two giive your iinput2.

ii fiigured a 2urviivor focu2ed around iinvii2iibiiliity wa2 an iintere2tiing concept && nobody had made a reaper mod yet 2o ii deciided who el2e would be fiit for the ta2k iif not me? the clo2e2t two an iinvii2-ba2ed character ii2 bandiit, who ha2 hii2 2hiift that cloak2 hiim but iit mo2tly revolve2 around u2iing that two get behiind enemiie2 for back2tab2, leadiing two a much 2neakiier play2tyle, wherea2 reaper would iideally be frequently fla2hiing iin && out of iinvii2, meaniing enemiie2 are alway2 on you, even briiefly. ii am he2iitant two giive hiim a hiigh proc ce 2iince ii feel liike the2e abiiliitiie2 are really 2trong and ii would liike two 2ee a 2urviivor that ha2 ba2e 2ynergiie2 wiith iitem2 that arent the generiic proc iitem2 (len2 maker2, ukulele, atg, etc) and iin2tead reward more adventurou2 iitem choiice2. perhap2 iill code a cu2tom iinvii2 two 2ynergiize wiith out-of-combat iitem2 liike red whiip && cautiiou2 2lug two actiivate whenever you are iinvii2 wiithout delay. plu2, [markiing] count2 a2 a debuff, whiich 2ynergiize2 wiith death mark, 2omethiing very deliiberate. ii mean, iit2 only fiittiing.

anyway2. iim 2urprii2ed youve actually read all thii2 lmao. feel free two giive your thought2 on the potentiial balance of thii2 character iin the comment2 whiile ii go 2uffer iin c# for an hour lmao.

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oh dear god iit2 wor2e than ii could have thought. thii2 ii2 gonna be a niightmare.

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okay. iim hopiing ii can 2crape by ju2t only modiifyiing 2kiill2 off of a template but why the FUCK would you 2tart wiith the model && make the 2kiill2 la2t?! what kiind of 2iick fuck 2tart2 wiith polii2h && end2 with gameplay.

by π; ; Report