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Category: Blogging

iintro 2urvey

ii dont remember who ii 2tole thii2 from lmao but iim doiing iit becau2e iim bored.


name: π
nickname: pi
age: 20
pronouns: what ever. they/he/she/it
birthday: augu2t 21.
siblings: two brother2, one older one younger.
straight/bi/gay: bii? ii dunno tbh lmao.
job: :(


hair color: brown-ii2h.
eye color: ....hazel...? ii have no fuckiin clue.
height: liike 6' or 2o ii thiink.
ethnicity: iim whiite a2 fuck lmao.
look like a celeb: what
dye your hair: ii dyed iit black once.
have bangs: kiinda? ii de2perately need a haiircut.
have braces: no
wear glasses: ii viirtually cannot functiion wiithout them.
wear contacts: god, never. ii do NOT want that 2hiit on my eye2 no fuckiing way. 2o gro22.
piercings: NEVER. 2ame 2hiit a2 the contact2, ii wiill NOT voluntariily put a fuckiing hole iin my2elf.
tattoos: 2ee piierciing2.


Color: yellow. yellow hater2 dnii
Movie: hardcore henry ii gue22. ii dont really watch moviie2.
TV show: ii watch le22 tv than ii watch moviie2.
animal: 2hark2 && bear2 && bee2.
drink: black coffee and/or dr. pepper.
food: ye2.
alcoholic drink: legally, ii may not an2wer thii2 que2tiion. wiine, though.
day of the week: fuckiing. thur2day. ii dont know lmao.
season: fall.
song: hm. not 2ure atm.
sport: ...doe2 2peedrunniing count?
restaurant: there2 thii2 really good pho 2hop near my hou2e but ii dont go there very often. ii gue22 that?
teacher: ???
subject: liike, 2chool 2ubject? fuckiin. 2ciience ii gue22?
holiday: halloween.
book: no clue. tiime trap from biioniicle ii gue22.
magazine: who the fuck read2 magaziine2?
flower: ii dont know anythiing about flower2.
memory: a warm fiireplace && a cat on my lap. har2h raiin out2iide. 2lowly, doziing off.


person you hugged: :(
thing you said: ii 2ay a lot of thiing2 ii dont know.
thing you ate: chiilii for diinner.
texted: my boyfriiend.
you called: uh...?
called you: >????>>>??
person you saw: my dog, liilly.
you had a long conversation with: my therapii2t lmao.


summer or winter: wiinter.
cats or dogs: do ii really have two choo2e?
Pepsi or Coke: dr. pepper.
cell phone or Ipod: what?
ocean or pool: ocean.
black or white: black.
chocolate or vanilla: vaniilla.
flowers or candy: um. candy.
rock or rap: "rock."
TV or movie: neiither.
AIM or MySpace: how old ii2 thii2 fuckiing 2urvey?
stars or hearts: heart2, but becau2e they make me thiink of the bf lmao.
bracelets or necklaces: uh. necklace2, ii gue22.
gold or silver: 2iilver.
kisses or hugs: ??
pen or pencil: penciil.


smoked: ye2.
stayed home from school: no.
been to the mall: no.
bought a book: no.
been to a show/concert: no.
yelled at someone: no.
got into a fight/argument: no.
cried to a friend: no.
told the truth: Wouldnt You Liike Two Know


TV: no? doe2 a moniitor count lmao.
your own phone: ye2.
your own phone line: lmao what?
VCR: ii wii2h. god that would be 2o cool.
DVD player: there miight be one iin my pc ii dunno.
radio: ye2.
computer: ye2.
posters: ye2.
of what?: a couple de2tiiny concept art po2ter2, one fallout 4 perk chart, && a piiece of biioniicle comiic art from a 2peciial ediitiion of a lego magaziine.
pictures: no.
of who?: n/a.


taken or single: taken.
got a crush: ...???

oh ii gue22 that2 iit? aiight.

0 Kudos


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