I do not know why, but after crying in the school bathroom and curling up into a ball on the floor for a few minutes led me to feel extremely positive afterwards, and then inspired me to come outside and write. Strange how life works. » Continue Reading
To me, it is very annoying when rules are based on feel, or emotion of a person because they assume about people. In this case it is about phones in school but this happens all around with almost everything and it is very annoying when people do that. It pisses me off. Not only is it unfair but also dumb, and it makes the person in charge look stupid. Rules should be rules, and for good reason, no... » Continue Reading
Spotify is a bitch. I need to replace it. I pay like 12 dollars a month for it and it sucks, for many reasons: 1. I cant get it on my lumia 2. it tells me my mac operating system is out of date 3. I have to constantly update it and it stops working 4. I don't actually own any of the music I am currently building a python script that scrapes through spotify and finds the same song on youtube, and d... » Continue Reading
I have been out all day, cleaning and moving things around. Good news is that I got a new SATA SSD for my ThinkPad. It is 500 GB and it much better than the current 360 GB hard drive that I have installed that is also dying, and slow even when it was new in 2010. Lol. » Continue Reading
I have been thinking a lot, and I mean a lot. If I am not coding I am thinking. Good thinking. I need to integrate AI into what I am doing, but not in an annoying way, something that is not intrusive, and something that's not a gimmick or a scam that makes users pay for garbage. AI is very useful when used correctly, in the benefit od the user and not in the benefit of making shitty profit. Anyway... » Continue Reading
It is now 7:19 in the morning, and I have no slept. I was up all night programming and researching. I really like solving computer problems. Everything was okay until I picked up my computer and the hard drive slipped out and fell (again) as I do not have it secured. I lost the cover for it and now will need to get some tape to fix it. I also will need to get graph paper.. graph paper.. » Continue Reading
I love my windows phone to death, I love using it and it is a shame Microsoft abandoned it, and I don't mean stopping production I just mean the lack of support they have given to pretty much any of their products, like the Zune for example. It's a shame windows phone never worked out, installing apps for it is a pain in the ass as windows phone os 8.1 is not an android skin, it has its own native... » Continue Reading
It feels really cool to be outside of a gas station at night posting from a device from 2013.. though it does suck that 4G is not supported anymore in the USA, because then I could actually not have to tether my phone to another hotspot for internet. The worst part is that the 5G and VoLTE towers still support 4G, they just aren’t configured for it as carriers still want to upsell phones and marke... » Continue Reading
Heyy! I am probably going to stay up all night coding some stuff so if anyone wants to reach out and talk to me that would be cool!!! If you want to talk about code that would be double cool B3 » Continue Reading