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i can feel a hole in my tooth
Category: Life
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHhhhhHHHHHHHHHH (not my tooth) » Continue Reading
"redoing senior year"
18, midwest USA
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Category: Life
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHhhhhHHHHHHHHHH (not my tooth) » Continue Reading
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Category: Art and Photography
thsi feels so fucking corny but whatever the farthest background i did in kid pix and thats a picture of me as a clown smoking a cigarette not weed or i will die. i havent gone to school in liek a month, been very depressed so this is reminiscing on when i was a lot angrier. » Continue Reading
— 12 Kudos
Category: Parties and Nightlife
went to a sort of rave last night, my best friends girlfriend played for like four hours(shes in seeking bust, look them up theyre amazing), it was so fucking amazing i loved it so much. i went with my other best friend elty and we went crazy we usually just hang out in the back at shows but we drank a bunch of twisted teas and danced really fucking hard, it was so fucking amazing. i went through ... » Continue Reading
— 5 Kudos
Category: Writing and Poetry
four green walls surrounding me can only shield me from so much. out in the woods i may run with strange noises and accidentally eat a mushroom that turns the sky pink and makes me puke for 3 days but right now it is 2 am and my ears ring as i lay in my bed. my brain vibrates loudly with restlessness and my reflection » Continue Reading
— 3 Kudos
Category: Writing and Poetry
i remember a british tv show about werewolves i watched one summer, the tv working in place of a babysitter. it was so hot outside the asphalt squeaked but in the show it was tinted blue and seemed to rain all the time. the teen girl protagonist grew into this great big wolf on her sixteenth birthday, and it gave me dreams of fur and human blood in my mouth. whenever i step outside to the smell of... » Continue Reading
— 2 Kudos
Category: Writing and Poetry
i look at younger me hidden in my room, past 10, playing with my stuffed animals as i imagine im 100 miles away running in the woods, playing with other wolves my age, hunting rabbits and squirrels until my bellys full. i stay quiet to keep my secret but in my head i am speaking in yips and howls. i look at me then and i cry so much at me now and i am laying on the floor at 2 am yearning to be 100... » Continue Reading
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Category: Writing and Poetry
i scurry around my house, late at night. tail tucked between my thighs. ive never had a job, and i have no skills and i am turning 18 in 5 months. i cry to dreams of the woods but everyday i feel it is an excuse. its not meant for me, not truly. yet i think of my times camping, running around in my boxers and a tshirt at night » Continue Reading
— 11 Kudos
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes
looking my best in da target parking lot w the lightning mcqueen vape (shoutout to my jammies) » Continue Reading
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— 9 Kudos
Category: Quiz/Survey
I taste like Beef . I taste like beef. I'm probably made of beef. You are what you eat, they say, and if the title didn't mean something else, I would be a beefeater. I think red meat is good for you. Puts hair on your chest. » Continue Reading
— 4 Kudos
Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping
im in milwaukee visiting my grandparents so i decided to stop into a used book store since i spend so much time at the one at home ! i got two books and three vhs's !! i cant wait to watch all the vhs's i got » Continue Reading
— 8 Kudos
Category: Art and Photography
.nav { background-imaqe: url("https://external-media.spacehey.net/media/sOMdwosg…36x/2c/17/b2/2c17b225cf5964d2fdccb99a4ba93f4a.jpg"); } .profile-pic img:hover{ transform: scaleX(-1); } } .edit-info { background-color: #596B2F; border-color: #3B4A1B; } a:hover { color: transparent; transition: 500ms ea » Continue Reading