doctors never tell you about the most difficult part of the psicosis really is, it's not the hallucinations or the paranoia, its about how lonely it actually is. im just so tired, i just want to let go of everything, i don't want to play this life, i wish to kill this me, so i will no longer belong to a family, no longer be a friend, or a daughter or a sister. just a person. im so tired of my life... » Continue Reading
i went to the gym today, i got tired from waiting for the coach so i will start making my own routines. i dont like him (。-_-。). i miss my old gym. ive been thinking of cutting off all my relationships, I don't want them, they are not bad or anything i just simply dont want them. they tired me so much and i dont know any other way so i can have my peace. you may think, work it though, but I don't... » Continue Reading
i really enjoy expressing myself in here, makes me feel sort of real, even though im pretty much terriefied this thoughts of mine will probably stay on the internet, forever. i know they are not a big deal, but my paranaia kicks in. my emotions are sorta confused right now, im angry and dissapointmemt and deeply conflicted about myself, this thing, sickness or whatever it is, drags me down, and ... » Continue Reading
like it or not, i am what i am. not special, just delusional; it amazes me how little we actually are, how worthless and unsignificant it actually is (viewed from a certain way). i guess thats why everyone wants to believe they are something special in order to completely avoid seeing what we actually are, nothing. » Continue Reading
this week has been, well not great. but at least feels nice that im a least talking about it. that at least in some remote place (like this website) i had a voice, and i was here, and i was someone. » Continue Reading
i felt bad yesterday, however i still had plenty of time, just sitting down to study was so painful, i know its my own laziness ... i have no excuse, i have to do better ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ » Continue Reading