doctors never tell you about the most difficult part of the psicosis really is, it's not the hallucinations or the paranoia, its about how lonely it actually is.
im just so tired, i just want to let go of everything, i don't want to play this life, i wish to kill this me, so i will no longer belong to a family, no longer be a friend, or a daughter or a sister. just a person.
im so tired of my life getting difficult and absolutely no one can understand you because of your mind, im tired. i do not wish to continue this life, i do no longer want to be her.
i want to clarify, im not talking about ending my own physical life, im talking about ending the life im playing right now so i could be free from everyone.
i need to buy a journal, i just cant simply vent on the internet. anyhoot, posting on public because im so tired of never being seen. at least im not hiding as much.
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