Marie de France and Her Lays
Category: Writing and Poetry
The Author Nowhere in the texts of the twelve lays translated » Continue Reading
2005, Brasil
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Category: Writing and Poetry
The Author Nowhere in the texts of the twelve lays translated » Continue Reading
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Category: Pets and Animals
"Apart from their own pack, wolves interact with ravens more than any other animal. The ravens are the most obvious beneficiary from the wolfraven relationship. Studies have found that 100% of wolf kills are visited by ravens and nearly 2/3 of the carcass is consumed by the raven. The official term for their relationship is predator-scavenger interspecif » Continue Reading
Category: Books and Stories
Filme em Português Brasileiro: Infelizmente tem que abrir no YouTube. Movie in American English: Unfortunately it is necessary to open YouTube. » Continue Reading
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Category: Books and Stories
Série Nysa — Drica Ambrogi Livro nacional com escrita fluída, história com a mesma vibe de A Rainha Vermelha e Jogos Vorazes. Protagonista forte, construção de mundo interessante. O melhor de tudo é que, no momento que este post está sendo escrito (10 de fevereiro de 2024) ambos os livros estão disponíveis gratuitamente na plataforma Wattpad. Nysa - A Camp » Continue Reading
Category: Books and Stories
Enredo perfeito para todas as idades, mas a leitura é mais rebuscada e difícil, pois a autora é do século dezenove. Foi adaptado para filme em 2009, que também é maravilhoso, um dos melhores filmes de fantasia infanto-juvenis que já vi na vida toda! Filme dublado em Português Brasileiro: O Segredo do Vale da Lua » Continue Reading
Category: Books and Stories
If you are an English speaker, translate the page. Saga Fallen Melhor que Crepúsculo. Sobre anjos que caíram porque não escolheram nem Lúcifer nem Deus, mas ter a liberdade de amar. Parece triângulo amoroso no primeiro livro, mas está longe de ser. O outro carinha tem uma amada cuja história é contada no livro “O Livro de Cam”, mas sinceramente está longe de ser tão bom quanto a saga principal. Re... » Continue Reading
Category: Books and Stories
Primeiramente que ele é basicamente uma vítima do racismo explicito da Stephenie Meybosta. Ele é indígena dos Estados Unidos, grupo de etnias conhecido por manter o cabelo longo desconsiderando até hoje os padrões de gênero europeu. Eles somente cortam o cabelo quanto algum parente MORRE, mas nessa história todos aqueles capazes de se transformar são obrigados a cortar porque se não, quando eles s... » Continue Reading
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Category: News and Politics
It's very interesting how the Space Hey users prefer to give audience to nazi and misinformation instead of giving attention to or post about interesting things. The neonazi don't need you to comment that they're bad people and that is wrong, they need to be reported and silenced. Just report, block and act like they don't exist. Stop giving fame to them here, stop making them the subject of top b... » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
If you want any alternative softwares and social media to the ones that are mainstream, I gathered the ones that I use and the ones that I've seen people talking about! 1. AIMP (Free Audio Player) You can both use the storage in your computer/phone, a shared file from your computer, or from a drive. It offers many audio » Continue Reading
— 19 Kudos
Category: SpaceHey
I started using a Forum some days ago, and one topic they brought up was about healthy way of using the internet and being an online person. An user said something that I think will be very useful here: “ — Become more anonymous. make up a pseudonym to go by, or only use your first name. Only post pictures of urself if you really want to and don't make your IRL appearance the main part of your onl... » Continue Reading
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Category: Religion and Philosophy
I hate how normalized it is for adults to transmit anti-intellectualism to kids; to program in the brain still in development that mathematics is impossible even before that child has contact with the subject; to make studying more of an obligation than a fun hobbie; /* DON'T DELETE THE MOBILE CODE */ @media (max-width: 600px) { .container{ width:100%!important; background-size: 50%!important; p » Continue Reading