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Category: Art and Photography

Paintings that are bewitching to me




adjective. so beautiful or attractive that you cannot think about anything else; enchanting; charming; fascinating; enthralling; captivating.

                  I have included the high quality image version of the paintings.  It may take a while for them to fully load, especially if your internet connection is bad. If you would like an even better quality image of any painting, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Presentation of the ring to the Doge of Venice - Paris Bordone, 1534

The Venetian Lovers - Paris Bordone, 1525-30 ca.

Portrait of Nicolas Körbler - Paris Bordone, 1532

Portrait of a Man in Armor with Two Pages - Paris Bordone (1520-1571)

Portrait of a Man (With a Fragment of Antique Column) - Paris Bordone, 1530

Allegorical Figure - Adolf Hiremy Hirschl (Hungarian-Italian, 1860-1933)

Curse of Dark Centuries album cover by Catacombs Enshadowed

'Traum' (Dream), 'Die Kunstwelt', #19-20 - Paul Herrmann, July 1914

L'Achéron - Reinhold Kukla, 1902

Тамара и демон (Tamara and the Demon) - Konstantin Makaovsky, 1889

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