sooo,, i’m bored and you people must be starved for my posts (for the zero people who actually read these) so! i’m just gonna list characters i can see myself in because i can!! (also because i am so bored and nobody will talk to me), but anyway!!! here’s the stupid dumb dumb list! ALSO! just bcuz i somewhat relate to these characters does not mean i support/am still interested the game/developers... » Continue Reading
today's christmas, but- i hope everyone has a good day today and rest of their year! i don't know if i'll be able to handle next year mentally, but... here's to trying » Continue Reading
i haven’t been on much, but that’s because of a lot of reason- i’ll probably try to post more if i can, but my life isnt very interesting lmao- » Continue Reading
so yeah, just woke up and decided to write this. REALLY bad at remembering dreams so forgive me (also this may be a bit long lol) okay so basically me & my mom were touring some sort of school i think, maybe it was supposed to be the school she teaches at but i’m not sure,, anyway skipping some unimportant stuff basically me & my friends were doing something with a ballpit in my school’s colors (p... » Continue Reading
soooo…i sure stopped existing for a while, huh? i guess i just didn’t feel like remembering this site existed haha…i dunno why, this blog is basically where i can talk without having to worry about some idiot liking and reposting it going “hahaha same #lifesucks”, and that fact is…nice. it’s comforting, in a way. i can get out my feelings, post about my feelings, get support if i need it, and all ... » Continue Reading
so i've been really scared to admit this but i really need to get my thoughts down,, i never really learned times or division,, i don't know why, but i've just struggled since then,, i haven't told anyone until today because i'm so ashamed,, my brother would probably bully me and call me 'stupid' and never let me live it down,, my dad would probably blame it on my phone and yell at me because he'd... » Continue Reading
yoooo do any of u know where i can get a headspace inspired layout from omori? if not i could try and fiddle with one to make my own, but like…idfk what i’m doing LMAO » Continue Reading
uhhhh,, idk,, kinda felt required to post something for some reason,, you know,, i like this site so i can feel kinda…nostalgic. which is weird, considering i never had stuff like this. i grew up in the 2010s and stuff, but…i never got social media. i didn’t even have a device of my own until i was like…12 or something. i dunno why i even post these, nobody reads them. but hey, maybe that’s a good... » Continue Reading