just had a dream that i think was my brain trying to raise my self-worth

so yeah, just woke up and decided to write this. REALLY bad at remembering dreams so forgive me (also this may be a bit long lol)

okay so basically me & my mom were touring some sort of school i think, maybe it was supposed to be the school she teaches at but i’m not sure,, anyway skipping some unimportant stuff basically me & my friends were doing something with a ballpit in my school’s colors (purple & black), i collapsed in and i very well remember thinking something along the lines of “there’s always a way out of the dark” and then i got out of it, and for SOME REASON MYSELF IN MY DREAM FELT M O R E CONFIDENT??? and then after some other shit my dream self got fucking STABBED,, then i woke up so like wtf is going on with my brain someone explain pls

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damm, thats actually pretty interesting dream :O !!!

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yeah!!! also my somewhat crush somewhat boyfriend was there so that’s even better ^^

by Sunny; ; Report

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

by Sini; ; Report