Marching season is over
Category: Life
The competitive marching season ended last Saturday, but it really only set in on Monday It feels weird knowing that you can never do something again » Continue Reading
"What even is life anymore?"
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Category: Life
The competitive marching season ended last Saturday, but it really only set in on Monday It feels weird knowing that you can never do something again » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Idk if I've mentioned it on here, but I'm in marching band,. Today we had a comp at our rival school, and we got grand champ for our decision. » Continue Reading
Category: Life
@font-face { font-family: "ElegantTypewriter-L3Pa3"; src: url(''); } body { background-image: url(''); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: ... » Continue Reading
Category: Life
My low Ego is bullying me. My crush and I have been talking pretty consistently throughout the summer and replying quickly to each other when we talk. But when she takes more than a minute, I worry that she realized I'm a shit person. » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Well, summer is here. My least favorite time of the year. One, it's fuckin' hot. Two, most of my friends have family plans or summer jobs that make hanging out difficult. I know people like summer just because you don't have to go to school, but school is the only place I can con » Continue Reading
Category: Life
I don't know if I've ever said it here or not, but I have an undiagnosed disassociative disorder. Whenever I'm agitated, I start to hallucinate; they get fed by the emotion that agitated me. So if I'm happy or excited, it's usually something I'm excited about or something I'd be happy about if it happened. If I'm scared, angry, or stressed, it fee » Continue Reading
Category: Life
I post on here mostly for myself, but every so often, it feels nice to have someone tell you everything gonna be ok or that life will get better. (Even if I won't believe it) Unfortunately, most of my friends don't regularly use this site despite having accounts, so posting here feels like screaming into the void. The day it screams back, there won't be anyone to hear me. » Continue Reading
Category: Life
The grammar was buggin' me, sorry. I've noticed recently that I have started to treat my friends the way I treat myself. (I.E. like shit) I know that its a result of, ya know, treating myself like shit As Paulo Coelho said, "How people treat other people is a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves." It feels like this is a spiral I can't get out of. 1. I feel like a shitty person. 2... » Continue Reading
Category: Life
I have once again forgotten about this site This is just gonna be a rant on my part, so sorry in advance for grammar and shit. if its bad I might rewrite it to make more sense something I've noticed recently is that I have started to treat my friends the way I treat myself (I.E. like shit) and I know that its a result of, ya know, treating myself like shit "How people treat other people is a direc... » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Oct 24 Hallucinated figure in woods ~17:00 Lost feeling in arms ~19:00-sleep Dizzy ~19:30-~20:15 ^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v Oct 27 Disassociated 1:23-1:27 words are blobs 12:43-12:47 » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Since I used to keep a mental health journal on here I thought I should update it. I'm doing-a pretty good, half as lazy as last year, double as tired. I joined my school's marching band the year it's in the memorial day parade in DC. That's gonna be fun. My depression has half fucked off, the other half brought in some psychotic bullshit. Woop-dee-fucking-doo hallucinations. At least their fun an... » Continue Reading
— 2 Kudos
Category: Life
Am I nice I mean wtf does being nice mean is there a difference between being nice and acting nice and if there is what is it and i don't mean act nice and then badmouth later (although i do that occasionally i try not to) idk how to explain it i feel like im mean and just filter most of that shit out some of it slips out of course but for the most part im in control does » Continue Reading